// Call of Duty 4 - AWE4 modification
// author : Wizzard220 and Tally
// website :
// mod : AWE4
// version : 1.4 Dev Edition
// update : May 2008
// Maximum allowed camping time, in seconds (0 = disabled, default = 0)
set awe_anticamp_time 60
// Minimum distance to move away to escape from camping, in COD units (default = 150)
set awe_anticamp_distance 150
// Time interval between punishments, in seconds (default = 20)
set awe_anticamp_interval 20
// Consider a player using a turret (fixed or mobile) as a camper (0 = no, 1 = yes, default = 0)
set awe_anticamp_turret 0
// Punishments sequence for campers:
// A sequence of punishment methods that will be applied to the camper in that order (default = "3 2 6")
// Beware that some punishments (5, 6, 7) will end the sequence as the player will no longer be camping afterwards !
// 0 = random, any of the following
// 1 = lose 50% health every 5 seconds
// 2 = go prone, drop weapon, keep in shellshock
// 3 = disable weapon
// 4 = kill
// 5 = kick
// 6 = explode
set awe_anticamp_punishments "3 2 6"
// Anti camping works as follows :
// After awe_anticamp_time seconds, the player will get a warning message.
// Then if he's still camping after awe_anticamp_interval seconds, he will receive the 1st punishment.
// Then, after awe_anticamp_interval more seconds, he will receive the 2nd punishement, and so on.
// When the end of the sequence is reached, the sequence will restart at the 1st item (eg by default : 2 3 4 6 2 3 4 6 2...)
// If the player moves away, his punishment will stop and he will obviously no longer be considered as a camper.