Der neue ACE-Mod kommt vermutlich morgen und dann sollen wir testen:
cu Mike
Wildcard wrote:
Im happy to announce the forthcomming release of ACE for cod:waw
the release date is set for tomorrow evening.
it has all the features you used to have in ACE for cod4 except:
custom gametypes (will be added in time)
ambient fx controllers (didnt see a use for them at this point, unless ppl with lowend machines want me to put those in)
nightmod (dont think its needed? no laserbeams and nightvision anyways lol...lemme know)
no unranked setting.. meaning you can not disable or limit weapons per config...(perhaps later) , you can disable/enable perks tho
new/other features will be added ofcourse (if some limits were truly upped that would be nice) in forthcomming releases
i know that http redirect isnt working...but when ACE comes available please test the hell out of the mod
cu Mike