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Ihr habt eine Lizenz dafür? (14$ Month/100Slot - auch Rückwirkend)

3. Authorized TeamSpeak Host Provider (ATHP) Licensing Fees
Authorized TeamSpeak Host Providers (ATHPs) are entities that rent TeamSpeak servers to others for profit of ANY kind - be it monetary, from direct sales, advertising profit, or intangible goods and services. ATHPs typically charge their customers a monthly fee OR include TeamSpeak as part of other services or offerings to their customers free of charge. You are subject to ATHP usage based licensing fees if you charge an access or rental fee either directly, indirectly, OR via inclusion of a TeamSpeak server as part of any rental or other paid service REGARDLESS of whether or not you choose to charge for the TeamSpeak server itself.


5. ATHP Examples
Examples where ATHP-based licensing applies include but are not limited to the following:
2. Indirect Fees - If you "sponsor"? a clan and ask them to advertise for you inhttps://www.opferlamm-clan.de/wbb2/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif return for the use of a TeamSpeak server OR channel you are subject to ATHP licensing fees.

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