es fängt immer die gleiche map an und alle folgenden haben immer TDM!
// COD5 - Server Rotation Config Setup.
// Server Configuration File for Call of Duty 5 Multiplayer.
// Updated : December 22 2008 by Wildcard.
// Email : wildcard@wildcardsonline.nl
// Support WebSite: http://www.wildcardonline.nl
// This config file controls the Gametype & Rotation settings.
// Map control settings.
// Automatically try to fix errors in maprotation. After this has been done the cvar will be set
// to "0" so that it will only run when you start the server or reload your configs.
// 0 = disabled, 1 = enable (once), default = 1.
set ace_fix_maprotation "1"
// Use random map rotation.
// 0 = disabled, 1 = enable, default = 0
set ace_random_maprotation "1"
// Rotate map if server is empty for the set number of minutes.
// 0 = disabled, max = 1440, default = 5.
set ace_rotate_if_empty "999"
// Endgame mapvoting.
// Vote for the next map from 7 or 12 random candidates (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0).
// NOTE! Enabling this will disable random maprotation.
// NOTE! If playerbased maprotation is enabled it will take maps from the playerbased rotation thats active.
// NOTE! If the next map vote with gametypes is enabled it will override the playerbased mapvoting.
set ace_map_vote "1"
// Override clanvoting for endgame mapvote, if set to 1 everyone can use mapvoting, if set to 0
// only clan members can use this, 0 = off, 1 = on, default = 0.
set ace_ignore_clanvoting "0"
// Timout for voting in seconds (min 10, max 180) (default 30).
//set ace_mapvote_time "30"
// Make last alternative an option to replay the same map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0).
//set ace_mapvote_replay "0"
// If set to 1 the last map in the voting screen will be replaced by "get new selection".
// When voted for it will show another aray of 6 maps you can vote on.
// 0 = off, 1 = on, default = 1.
//set ace_next_selection "0"
// Player number based map rotation controller.
// Here you can set your server to use custom map rotations based on the ammount of players on the server at that time, as more people
// join the server, the game will use a different rotation is you set it too. If enabled this will kick in after the first gametype/map and is checked
// again at the end of a map to ensure the amount of players is detected before the next map begins.
// Player based rotation global.
// 0 = disable, 1 = enable, default = 0.
set ace_pbrotate "1"
// This is the maximum number of players before your server 'outgrows' the SMALL map rotation. It will automatically use this if the amount of players
// falls below this number too.
// min = 0, max = 64, default = 0.
set ace_pbrsmall "4"
// This is the maximum number of players before your server 'outgrows' the MEDIUM map rotation. It will automatically uses this if the amount of players
// outgrows the small rotation or if the amount of players drops to this after using the large player based rotation. scr_small_rotation_limit will cause the
// medium map rotation to be used.
// min = 0, max = 64, default = 0.
set ace_pbrmedium "8"
// This cvar sets your small map rotation. Use it exactly like you would sv_maprotation.
// [map rotation].
set scr_small_rotation "gametype koth map mp_asylum gametype vip map mp_hangar gametype tdm map mp_dome gametype sab map mp_downfall gametype ctf map mp_makin gametype koth map mp_makin_day gametype ctf map mp_shrine gametype ctfb map mp_outskirts "
// This cvar sets your medium map rotation. Use it exactly like you would sv_maprotation.
// [map rotation].
set scr_med_rotation "gametype htf map mp_castle gametype ctf map mp_suburban gametype koth map mp_hangar gametype tdm map mp_dome gametype sab map mp_downfall gametype vip map mp_castle gametype ctf map mp_makin gametype ch map mp_makin_day gametype sd map mp_roundhouse gametype tdm map mp_shrine gametype koth map mp_seelow gametype vip map mp_outskirts"
// This cvar sets your large map rotation. Use it exactly like you would sv_maprotation.
// [map rotation].
set scr_large_rotation "gametype ctf map mp_airfield gametype ctfb map mp_castle gametype koth map mp_suburban gametype sd map mp_downfall gametype vip map mp_castle gametype tdm map mp_makin gametype koth map mp_makin_day gametype sab map mp_roundhouse gametype ctf map mp_seelow"
// First gametype to load.
// "dm" - free for all deathmatch.
// "dom" - domination.
// "koth" - headquarters.
// "sab" - sabotage.
// "sd" - search & destroy.
// "twar" - tug of war.
// "ctf" - capture the flag.
// "tdm" - team deathmatch.
// "ctfb" - capture the flag back.
// "ch" - capture and hold (ihtf).
// "htf" - hold the flag.
// "vip" - very important person.
// Map_rotation (available gametypes: dm, tdm, dom, sab, sd ctf, koth, twar)
//set sv_mapRotation "gametype ctf map mp_suburban gametype ctf map mp_shrine gametype ctf map mp_seelow gametype ctf map mp_roundhouse gametype ctf map mp_outskirts gametype ctf map mp_makin_day gametype ctf map mp_makin gametype ctf map mp_hangar gametype ctf map mp_downfall gametype ctf map mp_dome gametype ctf map mp_courtyard gametype ctf map mp_castle gametype ctf map mp_asylum gametype ctf map mp_airfield"
// COD5 - Server Rotation Config Setup.
// Server Configuration File for Call of Duty 5 Multiplayer.
// Updated : December 22 2008 by Wildcard.
// Email : wildcard@wildcardsonline.nl
// Support WebSite: http://www.wildcardonline.nl
// This config file controls the Gametype & Rotation settings.
// Map control settings.
// Automatically try to fix errors in maprotation. After this has been done the cvar will be set
// to "0" so that it will only run when you start the server or reload your configs.
// 0 = disabled, 1 = enable (once), default = 1.
set ace_fix_maprotation "1"
// Use random map rotation.
// 0 = disabled, 1 = enable, default = 0
set ace_random_maprotation "1"
// Rotate map if server is empty for the set number of minutes.
// 0 = disabled, max = 1440, default = 5.
set ace_rotate_if_empty "999"
// Endgame mapvoting.
// Vote for the next map from 7 or 12 random candidates (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0).
// NOTE! Enabling this will disable random maprotation.
// NOTE! If playerbased maprotation is enabled it will take maps from the playerbased rotation thats active.
// NOTE! If the next map vote with gametypes is enabled it will override the playerbased mapvoting.
set ace_map_vote "1"
// Override clanvoting for endgame mapvote, if set to 1 everyone can use mapvoting, if set to 0
// only clan members can use this, 0 = off, 1 = on, default = 0.
set ace_ignore_clanvoting "0"
// Timout for voting in seconds (min 10, max 180) (default 30).
//set ace_mapvote_time "30"
// Make last alternative an option to replay the same map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0).
//set ace_mapvote_replay "0"
// If set to 1 the last map in the voting screen will be replaced by "get new selection".
// When voted for it will show another aray of 6 maps you can vote on.
// 0 = off, 1 = on, default = 1.
//set ace_next_selection "0"
// Player number based map rotation controller.
// Here you can set your server to use custom map rotations based on the ammount of players on the server at that time, as more people
// join the server, the game will use a different rotation is you set it too. If enabled this will kick in after the first gametype/map and is checked
// again at the end of a map to ensure the amount of players is detected before the next map begins.
// Player based rotation global.
// 0 = disable, 1 = enable, default = 0.
set ace_pbrotate "1"
// This is the maximum number of players before your server 'outgrows' the SMALL map rotation. It will automatically use this if the amount of players
// falls below this number too.
// min = 0, max = 64, default = 0.
set ace_pbrsmall "4"
// This is the maximum number of players before your server 'outgrows' the MEDIUM map rotation. It will automatically uses this if the amount of players
// outgrows the small rotation or if the amount of players drops to this after using the large player based rotation. scr_small_rotation_limit will cause the
// medium map rotation to be used.
// min = 0, max = 64, default = 0.
set ace_pbrmedium "8"
// This cvar sets your small map rotation. Use it exactly like you would sv_maprotation.
// [map rotation].
set scr_small_rotation "gametype koth map mp_asylum gametype vip map mp_hangar gametype tdm map mp_dome gametype sab map mp_downfall gametype ctf map mp_makin gametype koth map mp_makin_day gametype ctf map mp_shrine gametype ctfb map mp_outskirts "
// This cvar sets your medium map rotation. Use it exactly like you would sv_maprotation.
// [map rotation].
set scr_med_rotation "gametype htf map mp_castle gametype ctf map mp_suburban gametype koth map mp_hangar gametype tdm map mp_dome gametype sab map mp_downfall gametype vip map mp_castle gametype ctf map mp_makin gametype ch map mp_makin_day gametype sd map mp_roundhouse gametype tdm map mp_shrine gametype koth map mp_seelow gametype vip map mp_outskirts"
// This cvar sets your large map rotation. Use it exactly like you would sv_maprotation.
// [map rotation].
set scr_large_rotation "gametype ctf map mp_airfield gametype ctfb map mp_castle gametype koth map mp_suburban gametype sd map mp_downfall gametype vip map mp_castle gametype tdm map mp_makin gametype koth map mp_makin_day gametype sab map mp_roundhouse gametype ctf map mp_seelow"
// First gametype to load.
// "dm" - free for all deathmatch.
// "dom" - domination.
// "koth" - headquarters.
// "sab" - sabotage.
// "sd" - search & destroy.
// "twar" - tug of war.
// "ctf" - capture the flag.
// "tdm" - team deathmatch.
// "ctfb" - capture the flag back.
// "ch" - capture and hold (ihtf).
// "htf" - hold the flag.
// "vip" - very important person.
// Map_rotation (available gametypes: dm, tdm, dom, sab, sd ctf, koth, twar)
//set sv_mapRotation "gametype ctf map mp_suburban gametype ctf map mp_shrine gametype ctf map mp_seelow gametype ctf map mp_roundhouse gametype ctf map mp_outskirts gametype ctf map mp_makin_day gametype ctf map mp_makin gametype ctf map mp_hangar gametype ctf map mp_downfall gametype ctf map mp_dome gametype ctf map mp_courtyard gametype ctf map mp_castle gametype ctf map mp_asylum gametype ctf map mp_airfield"