Original von qwertz0815
Eine Anti Camper einstellung soll auch vorhanden sein ??
Kann man einstellen 1 verwarnung , wenn er sich nicht bewegt radius 10m gegrillt oderso??
Findest Du in der monitoring.cfg, dort ist alles beschrieben:
// Anti Camping System.
// Maximum allowed camping time for non snipers, in seconds (0 = disabled, default = 0).
set ace_anticamp_time "
// Minimum distance to move away to escape from camping for non snipers, in COD units (default = 150).
//set ace_anticamp_distance "
// Maximum allowed camping time for snipers, in seconds (0 = disabled, default = 0).
set ace_anticamp_time_sniper "300"
// Minimum distance to move away to escape from camping for snipers, in COD units (default = 150).
set ace_anticamp_distance_sniper "
// Camping msg (style), 0 = off, 1 = sound only, 2 = middle hud mesages no sound,
// 3 = uphud messages no sound, 4 = middle hud messages plus sound,
// 5 = uphud messages plus sound, default = 4.
set ace_campmsg "5"
// Punishments for campers.
// 0 = Random, any of the following.
// 1 = Mark camper on compass.
// 2 = Lose 50% health every 5 seconds.
// 3 = Farting.
// 4 = Drop weapon, keep in shellshock.
// 5 = Explode.
set ace_anticamp_punishments "3"
// Fartsound, 0 = only you can hear it, 1 = everyone can hear it, default = 0
set ace_farthearall "0"
// Anti camping works as follows :
// After ace_anticamp_time seconds, the player will receives the punishment.
// If the player moves away, his punishment will stop and he will obviously no longer be considered as a camper.
Original von qwertz0815
Was muss ich einstellen zum Beispiel.
Spieler hat 3 abschüsse spieler name sagen wir (qwertz) verfällt in den blutrausch.
Bei 4 abschüsse qwertz dreht durch unsw. ist das möglich?
Ich nutz nur die Obituary Einstellung 2 (messages.cfg), Du kannst aber mal die anderen durchtesten, die haben mehr oder weniger Text.
In der Regel hat ein Windowsserver mehr Text.
// Obituary Messages (5 through 8 does not show car explosion or helicopter deaths (yet)).
// options, 0 = none (= off = default).
// 1 = stock obituary.
// 2 = stock obituary with personal sounds.
// 3 = stock obituary with personal messages.
// 4 = stock obituary with personal sounds and personal messages.
// 5 = ace obituary.
// 6 = ace obituary with personal sounds.
// 7 = ace obituary with personal messages.
// 8 = ace obituary with personal sounds and personal messages.
set ace_obituary "2"
Original von qwertz0815
Das Logo von wildcat bekommt man das auch weg?
Wie mache ich eigenes Logo rein??
// Clan logo image, 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = on except in hardcore mode, default = 1.
// Logo is auto repositioned if the livestats is used.
set ace_clan_logo "
// Logo interval, this controls how long the logo disapears from the hud before it reapears.
// 0 = always visible, max = 3600 (1 hour), default = 10.
set ace_clanlogo_interval "25"
// Logo width and depth, here you control the size of your logo.
// width max = 128, default = 110.
// depth max = 128, default = 55.
//set ace_clanlogo_width "110"
//set ace_clanlogo_depth "55"
Hier findest Du ZeRoY's Tutorial, wie man das Logo bearbeitet:
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