Also ich wolte nur fragen wo es nochmal die windows instal anleitung für einen windows ded server gibt. also ich muss ein profil auf dem root instalieren usw. ich such schon aber finde nichts
CoD 2-Server unter Windows einrichten
--- edited by yoda: Thema angepasst & Link eingefügt ---
Private Paula
also das steht zu dem Thema in der Readme drinn:
1. Recommended maximum client settings when hosting over DSL
If hosting a Multiplayer game over a DSL connection, the following amount of clients are recommended: (users hosting on listen servers should count themselves when totaling) 128k upload: 4 players
384k upload: 8 players
768k upload: 10 players
Exceeding these numbers when hosting over DSL may result in laggy conditions.
2. Dedicated server running on Windows® 2003
Creating a Call Of Duty® 2 dedicated server requires the presence of a profile. To manually create one, do the following:
Add "+set dedicated [1 = LAN, 2 = Internet]" to the shortcut for Multiplayer
Add the following folders:
[Call of Duty 2]\main\players
[Call of Duty 2]\main\players\[profile name] (Ex. [Call of Duty 2]\main\players\MyProfile)
Create a file named "active.txt" in "[Call of Duty 2]\main\players" with the profile name in the first line.
Create a blank file named "config_mp.cfg" in [Call of Duty 2]\main\players\[profile name]
If done correctly, the user will get a message that the configuration has changed since the last time Call of Duty 2 was last run. The user will be presented two options, YES and NO. Select YES to have the correct config file automatically created for you. Once that has completed, you will be at the dedicated server console.
Ansonsten habe ich auf die Schnelle auch nichts gefunden.
super danke . damit kann ich jetzt nen linux ded aufmachen^^. ich werde das so wie bei cod machen mit dem server aufsetzen für linux , ma schaun obs klappt . 3,4 GB uploaden -_-.