wie kann man den sound der iwd´s abspielen?

Hallo ich habe mal so ein bischen in den IWD datein geschaut die sind ja änlich wie bei cod2 aufgebaut nun wollte ich mal ein paar sound abspielen aber wenn ich sie mit winamp öffne läuft zwar die zeit aber es kommt kein ton.. nun die frage warum nicht muss man das irgendwie anders machen??

Ich brauche da ein paar "todes" sound also das schreiben und stöhnen wenn man erschossen wird usw... thx für jeden tipp
Also wenn Du rausgefunden hast wie man die Sounds abspielen kann, verkünde doch Bitte die Botschaft ^^

Ich versuche auch krampfhaft das zu bewerkställigen ...


BO_Rip v1.1
What is this?

-This is a simple, tiny tool which will help you in the proccess of extracting and 'repairing' the headerless Treyarch .wav's, specifically the ones from their newest game Call Of Duty: Black Ops.
Why headerless? Because Treyarch, the creator of COD:BO, has for some reason decided to rip off the MSADPCM header in their .wav files and put in their own header prior to packing the. wavs to multiple .iwd files. This made people nervous because they couldn't get the .wavs extracted by WinRAR or any other extractor to play properly in any audio player! This tool will fix that issue by adding a header to the .wavs in the .iwds, and the contents of that header depend on what the tool will gather from Treyarch's wav headers for each sample.
This way, you will get extracted files and folders, but unlike WinRAR or any other extractor, you will get fixed MSADPCM .wav's which you will be able to listen in any sound player such as Sound Recorder, Winamp, WMP etc.

How to use this tool?

-It's really simple. Drag this bo_rip.exe to your main directory where COD:BO is installed. This is, for most people on PC, X:\Steam\SteamApps\common\call of duty black ops\main, where x stands for your drive name. If you made safe-copies of the .iwd's to some other dir, feel free to copy the .exe there.
When you have the .exe in the same directory where the .iwd's are, select the .iwd's with your mouse (all of the ones you wish to extract from) and drag them into bo_rip.exe. The window will then open and tell you that you need to wait a bit until it finishes.
Look at the picture 'help.jpg' enclosed with this package to get some visual help.

NOTE: DO NOT try to pull in more than about 9-10 .iwd's at a time to BO_Rip! Due to Windows' command line limits, this might cause an error which will terminate BO_Rip and notify you with an error message.

What to do when BO_Rip finishes extracting?

-BO_Rip will notify you with a Windows beep and a message box upon finishing the proccess; then look into the directory where you placed the .iwd's with the .exe. You will see folders such as 'english', 'sound' or any other created in that folder. Navigate through them and you will get to your newly-extracted, completely valid COD:BO .wav's!

What can BO_Rip extract?

-BO_Rip can succesfully extract all .wav's stored in Call Of Duty: Black Ops .iwd's (only for the PC!).
It also fixes them so you can listen to them later, because the .wav's in the .iwd's are headerless and therefore cannot be interpreted properly by any audio-software. BO_Rip parses the proper data needed to playback the .wav's properly from Treyarch's .wav headers and works for all .wav's inside the .iwd's.

Does BO_Rip just throw in a usual MSADPCM header without regards to the actual lenght of the .wav given in Treyarch's headers?

-No, BO_Rip checks for all that data for each Treyarch's .wav and fixes it with regards to the lenght of course, so you get proper audio files.

If I detect a bug, where can I send it to?

-Feel free to report any kind of bug or inconvenience encountered while using BO_Rip via e-mail to chronic@gljivolog.com and you will get a reply with a possible solution to your unique problem, or a fix in form of an upgrade will come out publicly (if the bug is not so unique).

Does BO_Rip succesfully fix both music AND sound files/sfx?

-Yes, BO_Rip can succesfully extract and fix both music (usually stereo) and voice/sfx (usually mono) .wav's from all .iwd's. You finally get .wav's with in-game audio fidelity in MSADPCM 4 bit quality, with varying frequencies and channels (frequency is usually <47, 48.3] kHz, this data is parsed from Treyarch's .wav's). Channels vary also, for example Reznov's slingshot speech seems to be stereo too, not just music (this data is also parsed from Treyarch's headers).

How much time (in average) does it take to extract and fix all wavs in an .iwd file?

-This approximately takes about 3 minutes or less.

What happens if I throw in an .iwd which doesn't contain any .wav's at all?

-In that case, BO_Rip will skip such a file. If you trown in just one file, and that file contains no COD:BO .wav's, BO_Rip will close immediately! If the file thrown in is not even an .iwd archive, it will discard it and notify you. Furthermore, if BO_Rip encounters some extranous files such as .iwi's in the .iwd instead of .wav's, it will also skip them.

Thanks for trying out this tool,
Chronic Studios 2011
send your questions, bug reports to:

Ging aber schnell ^^

Vielen Dank

hat das tool noch jemand?
hab seit fast ner stunde danach gesucht, aber alle links gingen auf die selbe seite, wo der DL down war
wäre sehr nett, danke!

gruß serthy
Ich hab's auch nicht mehr gefunden, dafür einen ff-decompiler, mit dem die Sounds angeblich zu hören sind (nicht ausprobiert - also wie immer auf eigene Gefahr Augenzwinkern ).

klappt leider nicht (scheint wirklich nur für cod4+5 zu gehen)
Bischen komplizierter, aber probier's mal wie im zweiten Post beschrieben:

das ist echt kompliziert ^^
und es geht nich für alle
hier auf der seite das ding geht noch:

danke trotzdem für deine mühe Cooler