Hilfe - verschiedene Spielmodi auf einem Server

-=[LuFla]=- Flachzange
Hallo zusammen,

zuerst ein dickes Lob an den Opferlamm Clan und vielen Dank für das Hilfeportal! Glaubt mir Ihr seid GOLD wert - habt mir schon sehr oft aus der Klemme geholfen - DANKE!

So nun zu meinem Problem smile .

Hab mir wirklich schon die Finger wund gegoogelt und mir hier alles durchgelesen aber entweder sind die Tomaten riesig, es gibt wirklich nichts dazu zu finden oder ich bin zu dämlich dafür.

Okay, hab einen CoD2 Internet Server auf dem ich verschiedene Spielmodi laufen lassen will die Random hintereinander kommen also z.B. eine Runde TDM und im Anschluss ne Runde CTF usw..

Ganz wichtig ist das es automatisch läuft und nicht über ein Rcon-Tool auf einem anderen Rechner der immer laufen muss.

Was zum Teufel brauch ich dafür oder muss ich in die CFG eintragen das es läuft?
Geht das überhaupt so wie ich mir das vorstelle?

Ich danke vorab!

-=[LuFla]=- Flachzange
set sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm map mp_breakout gametype ctf map mp_breakout gametype hq map mp_brecourt gametype dm map mp_burgundy gametype sd map mp_carentan gametype tdm map mp_dawnville gametype tdm map mp_decoy gametype tdm map mp_downtown gametype tdm map mp_farmhouse gametype tdm map mp_leningrad gametype tdm map mp_matmata gametype tdm map mp_railyard gametype tdm map mp_toujane"
set sv_mapRotationCurrentmap ""
wait 250

Also immer den gametype in der maprotation mit angeben ... meine ich jedenfalls Grosse Augen
sieht doch gut aus. smile
-=[LuFla]=- Flachzange
Danke für die flotte Antwort.

Gerade ist mir zumindest mal eine Tomate vor den Augen geplatzt, denn in der Servereinrichtungsanleitung (moah was für ein Wort) steht das genau so wie Du sagst.

Jetzt fürchte ich das ich zu viele Einträge habe also zu viele Maps in verschiedenen Spielmodis.

Gibt es da eventuell eine Maximum?
ich hatte schon dreissig drin und es lief mit verschiedenen gametypes. solltest du am besten selbst probieren.
-=[LuFla]=- Flachzange
Vielen Dank der Server "läuft" zumindest mal sowei!

Ich hoff Ihr bekommt keinen Vogel wenn Ihr das jetzt seht aber ich hätte noch 2-3 Fragen zu der Konsole:

CoD2 MP 1.01 build win-x86 Dec 16 2005
----- FS_Startup -----
Current language: english
Current search path:
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\awe3b5\s1.iwd (18 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\awe3b5\c2.iwd (22 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/awe3b5
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_14.iwd (4038 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_13.iwd (22624 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_12.iwd (1016 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_11.iwd (1462 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_10.iwd (1936 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_09.iwd (2142 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_08.iwd (2723 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_07.iwd (3384 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_06.iwd (990 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_05.iwd (928 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_04.iwd (698 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_03.iwd (26 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_02.iwd (40 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_01.iwd (16 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_00.iwd (102 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/main
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/raw
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/raw_shared
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/devraw
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/devraw_shared

File Handles:
80516 files in iwd files
execing default_localize_mp.cfg
couldn't exec language.cfg
execing players/admin/config_mp.cfg
fs_game is write protected.
dedicated is read only.
Measured CPU speed is 2.00 GHz
System memory is 1024 MB (capped at 1 GB)
Video card is ""
Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) supported

Winsock Initialized
Opening IP socket: localhost:28960
Hostname: H718322.luflarulesback.com
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
fs_game is write protected.
dedicated is read only.
execing dedicated.cfg
net_ip will be changed upon restarting.
logfile opened on Fri Jan 20 23:22:30 2006

sv_cheats is write protected.
g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
Working directory: D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2
Hitch warning: 2291 msec frame time

"sv_mapRotation" is:"gametype hq map mp_downtown gametype ctf map mp_trainstation gametype hq map mp_toujane gametype tdm map mp_matmata gametype ctf map mp_leningrad gametype tdm map mp_breakout gametype hq map mp_farmhouse gametype tdm map mp_burgundy gametype ctf map mp_breakout gametype hq map mp_decoy gametype ctf map mp_matmata gametype ctf map mp_farmhouse gametype hq map mp_leningrad gametype tdm map mp_downtown gametype ctf map mp_toujane gametype hq map mp_burgundy gametype tdm map mp_farmhouse gametype hq map mp_trainstation gametype tdm map mp_leningrad gametype ctf map mp_decoy gametype hq map mp_breakout gametype tdm map mp_toujane gametype ctf map mp_downtown gametype tdm map mp_trainstation gametype ctf map mp_burgundy gametype tdm map mp_decoy gametype ctf map mp_leningrad gametype ctf map mp_trainstation gametype hq map mp_matmata"

"sv_mapRotationCurrent" is:""

Setting g_gametype: hq.
Setting map: mp_downtown.
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: mp_downtown
----- FS_Startup -----
Current language: german
Current search path:
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\awe3b5\s1.iwd (18 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\awe3b5\c2.iwd (22 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/awe3b5
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_14.iwd (4038 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_13.iwd (22624 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_12.iwd (1016 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_11.iwd (1462 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_10.iwd (1936 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_09.iwd (2142 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_08.iwd (2723 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_07.iwd (3384 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_06.iwd (990 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_05.iwd (928 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_04.iwd (698 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_03.iwd (26 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_02.iwd (40 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_01.iwd (16 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_00.iwd (102 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/main
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/raw
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/raw_shared
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/devraw
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/devraw_shared
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw10.iwd (416 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw09.iwd (49 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw08.iwd (8 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw07.iwd (1084 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw06.iwd (2822 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw05.iwd (5672 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw04.iwd (6084 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw03.iwd (6270 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw02.iwd (5924 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw01.iwd (4622 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw00.iwd (5400 files)
localized assets iwd file for german

File Handles:
handle 1: console_mp.log
161032 files in iwd files
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_controls.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_options.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_system.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_leave.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_callvote.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu'...
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 9: unknown menu keyword name
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 10: unknown menu keyword quickmessage
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 10: unknown menu keyword visible
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 10: unknown menu keyword 0
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 11: unknown menu keyword fullscreen
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 11: unknown menu keyword 0
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 12: unknown menu keyword rect
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 12: unknown menu keyword 0
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 12: unknown menu keyword 0
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 12: unknown menu keyword 640
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 12: unknown menu keyword 480
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 13: unknown menu keyword focuscolor
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 13: unknown menu keyword 1
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 13: unknown menu keyword 1
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 13: unknown menu keyword 1
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 13: unknown menu keyword 1
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 14: unknown menu keyword disablecolor
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 14: unknown menu keyword 0
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 14: unknown menu keyword 0
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 14: unknown menu keyword 0
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 14: unknown menu keyword 0
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 15: unknown menu keyword style
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 15: unknown menu keyword 0
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 17: unknown menu keyword onOpen
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 18: unknown menu keyword {
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 19: unknown menu keyword setDvar
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 19: unknown menu keyword cl_bypassMouseInput
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 20: unknown menu keyword 1
Menu load error: ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu, line 20: menu has no name
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: Call of Duty 2
gamedate: Dec 16 2005

"sv_mapRotation" is:"gametype hq map mp_downtown gametype ctf map mp_trainstation gametype hq map mp_toujane gametype tdm map mp_matmata gametype ctf map mp_leningrad gametype tdm map mp_breakout gametype hq map mp_farmhouse gametype tdm map mp_burgundy gametype ctf map mp_breakout gametype hq map mp_decoy gametype ctf map mp_matmata gametype ctf map mp_farmhouse gametype hq map mp_leningrad gametype tdm map mp_downtown gametype ctf map mp_toujane gametype hq map mp_burgundy gametype tdm map mp_farmhouse gametype hq map mp_trainstation gametype tdm map mp_leningrad gametype ctf map mp_decoy gametype hq map mp_breakout gametype tdm map mp_toujane gametype ctf map mp_downtown gametype tdm map mp_trainstation gametype ctf map mp_burgundy gametype tdm map mp_decoy gametype ctf map mp_leningrad gametype ctf map mp_trainstation gametype hq map mp_matmata"

"sv_mapRotationCurrent" is:" gametype ctf map mp_trainstation gametype hq map mp_toujane gametype tdm map mp_matmata gametype ctf map mp_leningrad gametype tdm map mp_breakout gametype hq map mp_farmhouse gametype tdm map mp_burgundy gametype ctf map mp_breakout gametype hq map mp_decoy gametype ctf map mp_matmata gametype ctf map mp_farmhouse gametype hq map mp_leningrad gametype tdm map mp_downtown gametype ctf map mp_toujane gametype hq map mp_burgundy gametype tdm map mp_farmhouse gametype hq map mp_trainstation gametype tdm map mp_leningrad gametype ctf map mp_decoy gametype hq map mp_breakout gametype tdm map mp_toujane gametype ctf map mp_downtown gametype tdm map mp_trainstation gametype ctf map mp_burgundy gametype tdm map mp_decoy gametype ctf map mp_leningrad gametype ctf map mp_trainstation gametype hq map mp_matmata"

Setting g_gametype: ctf.
Setting map: mp_trainstation.
==== ShutdownGame ====
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: mp_trainstation
----- FS_Startup -----
Current language: german
Current search path:
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\awe3b5\s1.iwd (18 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\awe3b5\c2.iwd (22 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/awe3b5
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_14.iwd (4038 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_13.iwd (22624 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_12.iwd (1016 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_11.iwd (1462 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_10.iwd (1936 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_09.iwd (2142 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_08.iwd (2723 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_07.iwd (3384 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_06.iwd (990 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_05.iwd (928 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_04.iwd (698 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_03.iwd (26 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_02.iwd (40 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_01.iwd (16 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_00.iwd (102 files)
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/main
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/raw
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/raw_shared
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/devraw
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2/devraw_shared
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw10.iwd (416 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw09.iwd (49 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw08.iwd (8 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw07.iwd (1084 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw06.iwd (2822 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw05.iwd (5672 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw04.iwd (6084 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw03.iwd (6270 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw02.iwd (5924 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw01.iwd (4622 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
D:\Inetpub\Call of Duty 2\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_german_iw00.iwd (5400 files)
localized assets iwd file for german

File Handles:
handle 1: console_mp.log
241548 files in iwd files
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: Call of Duty 2
gamedate: Dec 16 2005
Hitch warning: 7310 msec frame time
Resolving cod2master.activision.com
cod2master.activision.com resolved to
Sending heartbeat to cod2master.activision.com
Resolving cod2master.activision.com
cod2master.activision.com resolved to
WARNING: Non-localized Game Message string is not allowed to have letters in it. Must be changed over to a localized string: "Next: Toujane/Headquarters"
Hitch warning: 1376 msec frame time

Okay Keine Ahnung

1. Die Message Errors kommen bestimmt vom AWE Mod und leider hab ich kein Plan wo die abstellen.

2. Ist es normal:
Setting g_gametype: ctf.
Setting map: mp_trainstation.
==== ShutdownGame ====

3. Funkt der Random Mapwechseln nicht und es läuft nicht die Map die er laut Konsole läd.

Sorry für den mega Eintrag!
Erst mal danke für das Lob smile


Zu Deinen Fragen:

1. Solange der Server läuft, kannst Du die getrost ignorieren.

2. Server wird ausgeschaltet und mit der nächsten Map wieder gestartet... Hab ich bisher nie drauf geachtet, müsste ich mir meine Logs mal ansehen und da mal ein Auge drauf halten...

Wenn Da nur noch Server shutdown stände, wäre Dein Server aus, aber er lädt ja die nächste Map...

3. Zm Random-Wechsel kann ich nichts sagen,. nie ausprobiert...

Evtl. mal Deine awe.cfg posten und dann weitersehen.
-=[LuFla]=- Flachzange
Guten Morgen,

das Lob ist absolut gern geschehen und kommt von Herzen!

So jetzt mal zu der CFG:

//Öffentliche Server-Informationen:

//Name des Servers
set sv_hostname "^1-=[LuFla]=- ^7Rules Back Zockbude - AWE3b5 - CTF, HQ & TDM"

//Administrator des Servers
sets _Admin "-=[LuFla]=- Flachzange"

//E-Mail-Adresse des Admins
sets _Email "server@LuFlaRulesBack.com"

sets _IRC "-"

sets _Website "http://www.LuFlaRulesBack.com"

//Standort des Servers
sets _Location "Germany"



set rcon_password "XXXXXX"

set g_password ""

//Privates Passwort
set sv_privatepassword ""


//Allgemeine Servereinstellungen:

//IP des Servers
set net_ip ""

//Port des Servers
set net_port "28960"

//Maximale Spieleranzahl
set sv_maxclients "64"

//Private Clients
set sv_privateClients ""

//Maximale Datenrate
set sv_maxRate "25000"

//Mindest-Ping der Clients (0 = egal)
set sv_minPing "5"

//Max-Ping der Clients (0 = egal)
set sv_maxPing "110"

set g_antilag "1"

//Friendly Fire (0 = an, 1 = aus,2 = reflektierend, 3 = geteilter Schaden)
set scr_friendlyfire "3"

set scr_killcam "0"

//Freies Umsehen
set scr_spectatefree "0"

//Gegner im Zuschauer-Modus beobachten
set scr_spectateenemy "0"

//PK3-Dateien-Abgleich (0 = an, 1 = aus)
//Wenn an müssen die pk3s des Servers und der Clients gleich sein!
set sv_pure "1"

//Spiel loggen ( 0 = aus 1 = an )
set logfile "1"

//0 - gepuffertes Loggen (zeitversetzt)
//1 - sofortiges Loggen
set g_logsync "1"

//Name der Log-Datei
set g_log "games_mp.log"

//Automatischer Team-Ausgleich
set scr_teambalance "1"

set sv_cheats "0"

set sv_floodprotect "1"

//FPS des Servers
set sv_fps "20"

//Master-Server (wo der Server angemeldet werden soll)
seta sv_master0 "cod2master.activision.com"
seta sv_master1 "master0.gamespy.com"
seta sv_master2 "master1.gamespy.com"
seta sv_master3 "cod2authorize.activision.com"
seta sv_master4 ""

//Tote können mit allen chatten 0 = aus, 1 = an
set g_deadChat "0"

//Konsolensperre für Clients
set sv_disableClientConsole "1"

//Download erlauben
set sv_allowDownload "1"

//Voting erlauben
set g_allowvote "0"

set sv_voice "0"

//Sprachqualität -- von 1-9 einstellbar
set sv_voiceQuality ""


//(0 = verbieten, 1 = erlauben):

set scr_allow_springfield "1"
set scr_allow_svt40 "1"
set scr_allow_kar98ksniper "1"
set scr_allow_nagantsniper "1"
set scr_allow_enfieldsniper "1"

set scr_allow_enfield "1"
set scr_allow_kar98k "1"
set scr_allow_m1carbine "1"
set scr_allow_m1garand "1"
set scr_allow_g43 "1"
set scr_allow_nagant "1"

//Schwere MG's:
set scr_allow_bar "1"
set scr_allow_bren "1"
set scr_allow_mp44 "1"
set scr_allow_ppsh "1"

//Leichte MG's:
set scr_allow_mp40 "1"
set scr_allow_sten "1"
set scr_allow_thompson "1"
set scr_allow_pps42 ""
set scr_allow_greasegun ""

set scr_allow_shotgun "0"

set scr_allow_smokegrenades "0"
set scr_allow_fraggrenades "0"



//DM (Death Match)

set scr_dm_scorelimit "50"

set scr_dm_timelimit "30"

//TDM (Team Deathmatch)

set scr_tdm_scorelimit "150"

set scr_tdm_timelimit "45"

//SD (Seach and Destroy)

//Zeit bis Rundenstart (Sekunden)
set scr_sd_graceperiod "15"

set scr_sd_roundlength "4"

set scr_sd_roundlimit "7"

//Punkte-Limit (Runden)
set scr_sd_scorelimit "7"

set scr_sd_timelimit "20"

//Zeit bis Explosion der Bombe in Sek.
set scr_sd_bombtimer "60"

//CTF (Retrival)

//Punkte-Limit (Runden)
set scr_ctf_scorelimit "30"

set scr_ctf_timelimit "45"


set scr_hq_scorelimit "100"

set scr_hq_timelimit "45"



//Spiel-Modi -> Map-Rotationen:

set g_gametype "ctf"

set sv_maprotation "gametype hq map mp_downtown gametype ctf map mp_trainstation gametype hq map mp_toujane gametype tdm map mp_matmata gametype ctf map mp_leningrad gametype tdm map mp_breakout gametype hq map mp_farmhouse gametype tdm map mp_burgundy gametype ctf map mp_breakout gametype hq map mp_decoy gametype ctf map mp_matmata gametype ctf map mp_farmhouse gametype hq map mp_leningrad gametype tdm map mp_downtown gametype ctf map mp_toujane gametype hq map mp_burgundy gametype tdm map mp_farmhouse gametype hq map mp_trainstation gametype tdm map mp_leningrad gametype ctf map mp_decoy gametype hq map mp_breakout gametype tdm map mp_toujane gametype ctf map mp_downtown gametype tdm map mp_trainstation gametype ctf map mp_burgundy gametype tdm map mp_decoy gametype ctf map mp_leningrad gametype ctf map mp_trainstation gametype hq map mp_matmata"

set sv_mapRotationCurrentmap ""
wait 250

// General //

// Disable AWE (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
// Setting this to 1 will disable AWE.
//set awe_disable "0"

// Show AWE logo under compass (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
//set awe_show_logo "1"

// Disable minefields? (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_disable_minefields "0"

// Show number of alive players in each team (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
//set awe_show_team_status "0"

// Killcam time in seconds (default 7)
//set awe_killcam_time "0"

// Show health bar (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_show_health_bar "1"

// Automaticly try to fix errors in maprotation (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
// After this has been done the cvar will be set to "0" so that it will only run when you start the server
// or reload your config file.
//set awe_fix_maprotation "0"

// Use random map rotation (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
// See the readme file for an explanation how this works.
//set awe_random_maprotation "1"

// Rotate map if server is empty for x minutes (0 = disable feature) (default 30)
//set awe_rotate_if_empty "30"

// 0 = no painsounds, 1 = painsounds (default 1)
//set awe_painsound "1"

// 0 = no deathsounds, 1 = deathsounds (default 1)
//set awe_deathsound "1"

// Automaticly check for and rename any duplicate player names (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
//set awe_dupecheck "1"

// Pop helmets (0 = off, other value = chance in percent that helmet will pop) (default 50)
//set awe_pophelmet "90"

// Pop heads (0 = off, other value = chance in percent that head will pop) (default 0)
//set awe_pophead "5"

// The following cvars controls which things trigger the pophead code (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
//set awe_pophead_bullet "1" // rifles, snipers and turrets
//set awe_pophead_melee "1" // Melee
//set awe_pophead_explosion "1" // Explosions

// Blood splatter on screen (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
//set awe_bloodyscreen "0"

// Cold breath effect in winter maps (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_cold_breath "0"

// Models to use for the crush punishment
// NOTE! Every model increases the size of the gamestate, a too large gamestate will crash clients and/or server
set awe_crush_model0 "furniture_piano_d"
//set awe_crush_model1 "cow_dead_1"
//set awe_crush_model2 "horse_dead_2"
//set awe_crush_model3 "furniture_toilet"
// Other examples
//set awe_crush_model4 "cow_dead_2"
//set awe_crush_model5 "cow_dead_3"
//set awe_crush_model6 "horse_dead_1"
//set awe_crush_model7 "furniture_frenchbathtubporcelain"
//set awe_crush_model8 "vehicle_german_armored_car_d"
//set awe_crush_model9 "vehicle_civilian_car_d"
//set awe_crush_model10 "vehicle_civilian_car_red_d"
//set awe_crush_model11 "vehicle_civilian_car_white_d"
//set awe_crush_model12 "vehicle_tiger_snow_d"

// Stop clientside cvar(dvar) exploits like r_lodscale, r_lighttweakambient and mss_Q3fs by forcing them to their default
// values. (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_stop_client_exploits "1"

// Healthpacks //
// Each healthpack will get a random number of healthpoints between the min and max value

// Use healthpacks (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = yes, but do no print message) (default 0)
//set awe_healthpacks "1"

// Minimum number of healthpoints in a healthpack (defailt 15)
//set awe_healthpacks_min "15"

// Maximum number of healthpoints in a healthpack (defailt 65)
//set awe_healthpacks_max "65"

// Override CoD2 standard stuff //

// Use death icons (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
//set awe_death_icons "1"

// Use grenade icons (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
//set awe_nade_icons "1"

// Drop weapon on death (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
//set awe_drop_weapon "1"

// Drop grenades on death (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
//set awe_drop_nade "1"

// Allow pistols (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_allow_pistols "1"

// Use shellshock (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
//set awe_shellshock "1"

// Use HUD score (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
//set awe_hud_score "1"

// Use objective points (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
//set awe_objective_points "1"

// Use damage feedback (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
//set awe_damage_feedback "1"

// Allow crosshair (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = force it on) (default 1)
//set awe_allow_crosshair "1"

// Allow crosshair to switch color while aiming at enemies (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = force it on) (default 1)
//set awe_allow_crosshair_color "1"

// Gravity in percent of the default gravity (default 100)
//set awe_gravity "100"

// Game speed in percent of the default speed (default 100)
//set awe_speed "100"

// Force fading of the red compass dots to be quicker than default (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_quickfade_compass_dots "0"

// Dead body handling //

// Remove bodies (0 = no, any other value = time in seconds before removing the body) (default 0)
//set awe_remove_bodies "40"

// Sink body before removing (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_remove_bodies_sink "1"

// Unknown Soldier handling //

// Make them reflect friendlyfire (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
// (This will stay effective until the next map even if they change their name.)
//set awe_unknown_reflect "1"

// Rename them automaticly (examples below)
// Player will get one of those names + a random number between 0 and 999.
// (They will still be threated like unknowns by the methods below and the friendlyfire reflect above.)
//set awe_unknown_name0 "I wear ladies underwear"
//set awe_unknown_name1 "Brad Pitt is sooo cute."

// Override message to display to renamed players, set it to "none" to disable the message completely
// set awe_unknown_rename_msg "none"

// Use a method to pester them (default 0)
// (Changing their name will stop this)
// 0 = do nothing
// 1 = make them drop their weapon
// 2 = keep them in shellshock
//set awe_unknown_method "0"

// Next map voting //
// Vote for the next map from 5 random candidates (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
// NOTE! Enabling this will disable random maprotation and the next map/gametype messages
//set awe_map_vote "0"

// Timout for voting in seconds (min 10, max 180) (default 30)
//set awe_map_vote_time "30"

// Make last alternative an option to replay the same map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_map_vote_replay "0"

// Health regeneration //

// Use health regeneration (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_regen "1"

// Use this to override the behaviour of the health regeneration system
// Developed by Wanna Ganoush -- www.anarchic-x.com
// More info here: http://www.iwnation.com/Forums/index.php?showtopic=16712
// 0 = implements IW's "flawed" model (default)
// 1 = implements IW's "intended" model
// 2 = implements "healing regen limits" model
// 3 = implements "healing regen limits" and "pain"
//set awe_regen_method "0"

// Server messages //

// Delay between server messages in seconds (default 30)
//set awe_message_delay "0"

// Show next map and/or gametype as first message (0 = no, 1 = only map, 2 = lite, 3 = normal, 4 = extra) (default 2)
//set awe_message_next_map "2"

// Loop messages (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_message_loop "0"

// Show messages for each player, idealy use this when message looping is turned off (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_message_individual "0"

// Server messages
// There is no limit, the message system will start over
// automaticly when the last message has been displayed.
//set awe_message0 "visit us www.LuFlaRulesBack.com"

// Anti Teamkilling (on by default) //

// Maximal allowed teamkills (0 = turns function off) (default 3)
//set awe_teamkill_max "3"

// Number of teamkills before recieving a warning. (default 1)
//set awe_teamkill_warn "1"

// Punishment method for teamkillers (default 3)
// 0 = disabled
// 1 = Use random punishment
// 2 = kill
// 3 = blow up
// 4 = crush
//set awe_teamkill_method "1"

// Reflect damage after reaching max teamkills (0=no, 1=yes) (default 1)
//set awe_teamkill_reflect "1"

// Message to display to a player reaching max teamkills.
// set awe_teamkill_msg

// Mortars //

// enable ambient mortars. 0 = off, 1 to 10 = number of mortars to use (default 3)
//set awe_mortar "10"

// Use random mortars instead of player tracking (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_mortar_random "1"

// Use earthquake near mortar explosion (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_mortar_quake "1"

// prevent the mortars from hitting players. (0 = deadly, 1 = safe) (default 1)
//set awe_mortar_safety "0"

// minimum delay between a mortar's firing cycle (seconds) (default 20)
//set awe_mortar_delay_min "40"

// maximum delay between a mortar's firing cycle (seconds) (default 60)
// the actual delay is a random value between _min and _max,
// and is independant for each mortar.
// i.e. with _min = 20, _max = 60, each mortar will wait randomly
// from 20 to 60 seconds between firing rounds.
//set awe_mortar_delay_max "80"

Nochmal Danke für Eure Mühe!
Nu wundert mich gar nix mehr, daß das nicht klappt, wie es soll - Du hast Dich nicht an die Installations- und Nutzungsanweisungen gehalten Augenzwinkern


Du darfst zum einen nicht die AWE-Einstellungen mit in die cfg mit den normalen Spieleinstellungen schreiben, steht mehrfach bereits im Forum, daß das beim AWE Probleme macht Augenzwinkern

Zum anderen hast Du die AWE-Einstellungen auch noch HINTER die Map-Rotation gepackt...

Folgendermaßen musst Du vorgehen:

Eine cfg NUR mit den Spiel-Einstellungen von CoD2 (kannst Du z. B. mit Hilfe unseres CoD2-CFG-Generators erstellen: KLICK)

In diese cfg (z. Beispiel test.cfg) trägst Du dann VOR der Map-Rotation den Befehl
exec awe.cfg
ein und sorgst so dafür, daß die AWE-Einstellungen geladen werden.

Und dann brauchst Du eine weitere cfg, die awe.cfg - in der sind dann NUR die AWE-Einstellungen drin, wie Du sie gerne haben möchtest.

Dann startest Du Deinen Server indem Du den Parameter
+exec test.cfg +map_rotate
anhängst - NICHT mit +set dedicated 0 verwenden, das macht beim AWE ebenfalls Probleme!

Also z. B.:
C:\Programme\Activision\Call of Duty 2\CoD2MP_s.exe +set dedicated 2 +exec test.cfg +map_rotate
(Wäre jetzt ein dedizierter Internet-Server)...

Schau Dir auch mal bitte diesen Thread an:
awe mod startet bei map wechsel nicht

Da kriegst Du ein komplett fertiges Server-Paket vom awe3b5 deutsche Version inkl. der test.cfg und der awe.cfg, die Du jeweils nur noch an Deine Wünsche anpassen müsstest.
-=[LuFla]=- Flachzange
Perfekt danke jetzt läuft er! 1000 Dank!
Gern geschehen smile