CodUO Live TV

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Kann ich bei Coduo ein live Übertragung vom Spiel senden, wie bei CS?
Bräuchte mal einen Rat wie ich das machen soll und welche Programme ich für den Server brauche.

Gruß Knoder
Es gibt wohl was, das nennt sich HLTV - soll wohl auch was für CoD in der Art geben... Nennt sich dann CoDTV...
Die Client-Version hab ich hier gefunden:
Und so viel ich mich erinnere, braucht man auch den Pam 1.06 +.NET Framework 1.1 um das nutzen zu können (zumindest bei CoD).

Allerdings hab ich mich damti nie beschäftigt...

Kenne nur eine Seite, die für HLTV eine Anleitung zur Einrichtung anbietet, vielleicht können die Jungs da Dir weiter helfen:

Desweiteren hab ich diesen Text dazu gefunden, ob das irgenwas hilft weiß ich nicht, wie gesagt, nie damit beschäftigt...:

A guide to CoDTV...or how the heck am I able to watch and cam CoD matches?

This guide is intended to all you gamers out there, asking yourselves how to watch and setup CoDTV. This HOW TO deals with topics like: setting up a CoDTV game, caming games, giving out info to the audience and for the viewer side, how to install the client and use it. So far I think the camming part is not so interesting, as the Camtool is still not public yet. But since it will be in a few weeks I thought it might be useful.

I don't claim it to be perfect or complete, it is just a summary of things, I learned during my camming of CoD and RtCW games in the last years. Therefore a big thanks goes out to following people:

Garet - for giving a lot of input about CoDTV and for developing it.
MrPuck - for giving me infos how to cam and how to handle errors and soem answers used in this HOW TO.
JJDooM - for giving me the possibilty to cam.
and GTV - for a guideline how to do this HOW TO!


Index of contents

1. I wanna watch a game - but how can I?
2. Common errors that can appear.
3. CoDTV Camtool - or what can I do to do things?
4. Some hints to cammin.
5. How to sync CoDTV to my Shoutcast Stream?


1. I wanna watch a game - but how can I?
This section covers the information how to install your CoDTV Cient and how to configure it, so that you become able to watch games via CoDTV.

First of all, as a viewer you need to download the CoDTV Client Tool. There are several sites to get this client from - one for example is Or just click this link here to download it immediately. After downloading the Client (newest Version at the moment is ClientBETAcool , extract the zip file. After this just click the extracted *.exe file and install CoDTV Client to a folder you want. The place really doesn't matter, just select a folder you like and install the Client. There is one restriction though. In order to install the ClientTool, you need to have Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 installed on your PC. If you don't have - use this LINK to download the 23.1 MB big package.

After having the Client (and Framework) installed you are pretty much ready to start and watch games. Just join the #codtv channel @ Quakenet on IRC and wait until a game is announced, that will have CoDTV. All you have to do is wait until the cameraman releases an URL of the stream. In case you came late there is an option at #codtv channel, just type @view and teh CoDTVBot will give you the URl of the Stream. As soon as the URL is released/added to the Bot, open your ClientTool and click the Configuration Tab. There you have to specify your Call of Duty root, which means where your CoDMP.exe is.
The dropdown list next to the browse button will now have some values. In this dropdown list you can choose several directories. Click one of them (I choose pretty much all time Main) to tell the ClientTool, where to save the stream to.

After having specified your root click on the view tab and add the URL link into the field and press start. You will now see on the bottom left that a Buffering Stage is given. Now the stream gets buffered, so you don't lag out. When a certain amount is buffered, your ClientTool will automatically start CoD and the Stream begins.

By the way. Don't try to save your infos at the ClientTool. All you will recieve is an error. This error will be solved in the next ClinetUpdate. And you can of course specify your folder before the URL is posted. But due to the problem, that you can't save your configuration you will have to do this everytime you start your Client.


2. Common errors that can appear!
Okay. You did it. You managed to run CoDTV but damn, some errors appear. I will try to explain in this topic some of the errors that can occur. But, first of all, why do these errors occur? Well easy answer. This is still a BETA, so it is far away from being errorfree.

1. ERROR: Http:// QueryInfo.
This error indicates a wrong StreamURL. There are two things that can happen.The Camguy did a mistake by not telling his Camtool the proper folder, where Camtool should save the stream. But most often the viewers do a mistake, when they copy and pasting teh URL Link. In case you recieve this error check your pasted URL for typos. Especially a SPACE before your http:// is the reason that happens most often.

2. Error: Demo truncated.
This error happens because: The ingame movement generates data, which has to be streamed to the FTP. If CoD generates a lot of data the Streamupload slowes down as it can't hadle the amount of data that fast as it gets generated. So the Uploadrate of the Camtool decreases. When the Upload speed is slower than the download speed by the Clients, it can happen that Client reaches the end of the demo, which results in a checksum error and you recieve the Demo truncated error. In this case close Cod, stop your stream and then wait some seconds. After a small pause start your stream again and you stream should start where you left off after a short while.

3. Error: My Client says buffering, but nothing happens.
This can have two reasons.

1. You forgot to specify the CoD Root. Go to the Configuration tab and do as explained above.

2. If you are a late joiner you will have to buffer the whole stream until the point where the camman is/was, when you entered the stream. This can take a while, as some streams are about 12-15 mb big. Be patient or wait until the Camman gives out a new Stream URL.

4. I get kicked as my CoD starts recording a demo.
In this case go to your CoD Folder and add to all your config_mp.cfg the command g_autorecord "0". This is because soem servers have autorecord enabled, which is an option in PAM. But recording your stream causes an error within CoD, as when you are watchin the Stream you automatically download it to the folder you specified, which is when the Streamdownload ended nothing but a demo. So in case you want to record the match just watch teh stream, there is nothing more you have to do.


3. CoDTV Camtool - or what can I do to do things?
This topic deals with how to set up a stream. First of all how does CodTV work. Well a cameraman joins the game as a spectator. He then records a demo of everything he sees and uploads it to a webserver using the CoDTV Camera Tool. Clients who wish to watch get the demo from the webserver via the Client Tool. They see whatever the cameraman sees.

What do I need to be a cameraman?

a) Call of Duty
b) CoDTV Camera tool(which has not been released to the public yet)
c) FTP access to a web directory on a linux server that can handle the strain.
d) You do not need an outstanding connection. if you can upload 8-10 kb/s, that is plenty. most broadband connections do about 40 kb/s.

Ok here is what to do to set up a CoDTV game:

1. Start the program - you will get an error, just click on the continue button.
2. First click on the configuration tab and find your codmp.exe file. Select main or pam depending upon how the server you are playing is configured. If you
select main and the server is running from a pam directory you will get an error like "Can't start demo" If thats the case switch it to pam. Leave everything else as default except if you want to change the time delay.
3. Go to the left most tab and enter a name for the file - like clanAvsclanb. In the field below that enter the path to where you are sending it on your webserver - ie The last field should automatically be populated with
4. Now go to the middle tab. This is the ftp tab. Enter the ftp server info

ftp server ip
- port 21
- id
- password

Leave the rest blank and click on the button. You should get a popup window saying ftp test #1 completed successfully - then click on button and it will do a
second test. You should get a second popup window saying the second test was ok and you can start broadcasting.

5. Start cod and join the server.
6. Go back to the first tab and hit the record button. It will not start streaming until it has waited out your time delay. You will see ingame that it has
started recording a demo with the name of the file you entered into the first tab.Once the time delay is up you will see it start to show the bytes buffering as you upload to the web server. Don't tell them the stream url until you have buffered 327,000 (that is the antilag buffer).

Some questions that also are asked (this part taken from Mr.Pucks FAQ about CoDTV)

Can Clients free spectate?
No, this is a consequence of the way CoDTV works. It is not possible unless IW releases the source code to the CoDTV programmer, which they most likely will never do.

Is there a CoDTV server program?
No, the Cameraman runs the camera tool on his own computer.


4. Some hints to cammin.
Well basically there is not much to say about how to cam. But mostly I realized from the conversation with some viewers, they dislike a lot of freeflights. There ar eoccasions were freeflight is still the best option, but mostly people wanna see 1on1 action.
If a team has only one player left, try to cam him. People will ask what will he do and soemtimes this player has a good round and wins a 1on4 situation. Just cam and gather experience and talk with viewers. What they dislike and what they want to see. that gives you an impression for the next match you wanna cam.
Next thing is just because it reduces teh amount of data that is streamed. When you have smaller stream files people don't have to buffer so much (see reason above at Errors). Therefore it is a good move to cut the stream in parts. Either each halftime (when server uses PAM) or each mapchange. Just end your recording and start a new Stream. (Don't forget to rename your Streamname!!!)


5. How to sync CoDTV to my Shoutcast Stream?
CoDTV and Shoutcasts are usually not in sync due to being on a different delay. Usually the SC is ahead of CoDTV, so all you need to do is delay the SC locally until they are in sync.

By default winamp does not have a big enuf buffer to delay the SC until it's in sync with CoDTV, so you need to increase it otherwise the SC will die when it runs out of buffer.

Buffer Increase
- open winamp
- ctrl-k to bring up plugins
- select plugins->input
- select Nullsoft MPEG Audio Decoder
- click configure button
- select streaming tab
- increase 'streaming data buffer' to say 640k
- check pre-streaming is at 50%
- click ok, then close

Syncing at gametime
- start CoDTV then window it
- start the SC streaming
- listen for a time marker - casters often give out times (shout at them in IRC if they don't)
- as soon as you hear a time mark, pause the SC
- watch the CoDTV until the match time is almost at the mark, say 2-3 secs, then unpause winamp/SC.
- you should be close to in sync now
- you can add small delays by pausing/unpausing until sync is perfect, but don't let the SC get behind the CoDTV or you'll need to start all over.

So I guess that's it. Now you should be able to set up a CoDTv via the camtool or you know what to do so you are able to watch some good games.



Sorry, mehr kann ich zu dem Thema nicht anbieten...
Ansonsten mal bei der ESL oder GigaTV nachfragen, die machen so was wohl auch...