Ich habe mir den Mod back2uo bei euch gezogen und habe nun das problem das ich ihn nicht zum laufen bekomme!
Ich habe mich am support gewendet und ihn auch freischalten lassen!
Nun bekomme ich den mod leider nicht zum laufen!
Ich starte meinen server und nach kurzer Zeit ist er wieder gestopt!
Ich poste mal meine .cfg und auch mal die meldung die mir die console bringt
Das ist die meldung in der Console:
CoD2 MP 1.2 build linux-i386 Apr 19 2006
----- FS_Startup -----
Current language: english
Current search path:
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/back2uo/z_gcf_back2uo_mod_v1.2a.iwd (184 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/z_pw_cli_09d.iwd (14 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/z_ps_svr_09d.iwd (52 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/z_gcf_back2uo_mod_v1.2a.iwd (184 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_15.iwd (84 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_14.iwd (4038 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_13.iwd (22624 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_12.iwd (1016 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_11.iwd (1462 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_10.iwd (1936 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_09.iwd (2142 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_08.iwd (2723 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_07.iwd (3384 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_06.iwd (990 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_05.iwd (928 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_04.iwd (698 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_03.iwd (26 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_02.iwd (40 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_01.iwd (16 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_00.iwd (102 files)
File Handles:
80996 files in iwd files
execing default_localize_mp.cfg
couldn't exec language.cfg
execing config_mp_server.cfg
dedicated is read only.
fs_game is write protected.
Opening IP socket:
Hostname: localhost.localdomain
Alias: localhost
Alias: frankfurt
Alias: frankfurt
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
sv_punkbuster is write protected.
net_ip is write protected.
net_port is write protected.
dedicated is read only.
execing server-dm.cfg
sv_punkbuster is write protected.
sv_cheats is write protected.
g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
invalid variable name: .IRC
invalid variable name: .Admin
invalid variable name: .Email
invalid variable name: .URL
"sv_mapRotation" is:"gametype dm map mp_rhine gametype dm map mp_harbor gametype dm map mp_breakout gametype dm map mp_brecourt gametype dm map mp_burgundy gametype dm map mp_carentan gametype dm map mp_dawnville gametype dm map mp_decoy gametype dm map mp_downtown gametype dm map mp_farmhouse gametype dm map mp_leningrad gametype dm map mp_matmata gametype dm map mp_railyard gametype dm map mp_toujane gametype dm map mp_trainstation"
"sv_mapRotationCurrent" is:""
Setting g_gametype: dm.
Setting map: mp_rhine.
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: mp_rhine
----- FS_Startup -----
Current language: german
Current search path:
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/back2uo/z_gcf_back2uo_mod_v1.2a.iwd (184 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/z_pw_cli_09d.iwd (14 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/z_ps_svr_09d.iwd (52 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/z_gcf_back2uo_mod_v1.2a.iwd (184 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_15.iwd (84 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_14.iwd (4038 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_13.iwd (22624 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_12.iwd (1016 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_11.iwd (1462 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_10.iwd (1936 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_09.iwd (2142 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_08.iwd (2723 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_07.iwd (3384 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_06.iwd (990 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_05.iwd (928 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_04.iwd (698 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_03.iwd (26 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_02.iwd (40 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_01.iwd (16 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_00.iwd (102 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw11.iwd (2 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw10.iwd (416 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw09.iwd (49 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw08.iwd (8 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw07.iwd (1084 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw06.iwd (2822 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw05.iwd (5672 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw04.iwd (6084 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw03.iwd (6270 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw02.iwd (5924 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw01.iwd (4622 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw00.iwd (5400 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
File Handles:
80996 files in iwd files
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: Call of Duty 2
gamedate: Apr 19 2006
******* script compile error *******
unknown function
Sys_Error: Error during initialization:
script compile error
Und das meine .cfg genannt test :-)
//CoD2-Test-Server-Script by [OL]YODA
//Anzeige ASE, HLSW, etc.
sets _Admin "Gr-Bruder"
sets _Email ""
sets _IRC "#"
sets _Website ""
sets _Location "Germany"
//Farbcodes funktionieren wie in CoD
set sv_hostname "Gr-Bruder by"
//Nicht in CoD2 verfügbar!
//set scr_motd "NICHT AKTIV IN CoD2!"
//IP bei multihomed Servern
set net_ip ""
//Port (Standard 28960)
set net_port "12203"
//gebannte IPs
set g_banIPs ""
set rcon_password "xxx"
set g_password "xxx"
//Privates Passwort
set sv_privatepassword ""
//Maximale Spieler
set sv_maxclients "10"
//Private Clients
set sv_privateclients "1"
//sv_allowedClan1 ""
//sv_allowedClan2 ""
//Min und Max Ping
set sv_minPing "0"
set sv_maxPing "0"
//Maximale Datenrate
set sv_maxRate "20000"
set g_antilag "1"
set sv_fps "20"
//Wiederverbindungs-Limit (Minuten?)
set sv_reconnectlimit "3"
//Sprach-Kommunkiation InGame
//0 = aus, 1 = an
set sv_voice "1"
//Sprach-Qualität (0 oder 1)
set sv_voicequality "1"
//Konsole für Clients an/aus
//0 = an, 1 = aus
set sv_disableClientConsole "0"
//Tote können mit allen chaten 0 = aus, 1 = an
set g_deadChat "1"
//gebannte Zeit nach Kick (Sekunden)
set sv_kickBanTime "300"
//Spiel loggen
//Loggen an/ aus (0/1)
set logfile "1"
//Name der Log-Datei
set g_log "back2uo_mp.log"
//0 - gepuffertes Loggen (zeitversetzt)
//1 - sofortiges Loggen
set g_logsync "1"
//PK3-Abgleich Server & Client
set sv_pure "1"
//Spam-Schutz an/aus (0/1)
set sv_floodProtect "1"
//Anonymous erlaubt/verboten (0/1)
set sv_allowAnonymous "0"
//Cheats aus/an (0/1)
set sv_cheats "0"
//Downloads aus/an (0/1)
set sv_allowDownload "1"
//KillCam aus/an (0/1)
set scr_killcam "0"
//Freies Zuschauen aus/an (0/1)
set scr_spectatefree "1"
//Gegner beobachten aus/an (0/1)
set scr_spectateenemy "1"
//Automatischer Teamausgleich
//0 - aus
//X > 0 - gleicht die Teams aus bei einer Spieleranzahl von X
set scr_teambalance "2"
//Symbole über Teamkameraden
//0 = nein, 1 = ja
set scr_drawfriend "1"
//Wiedereinstieg erzwingen
// 0 = nein, 1 = ja
//deaktiviert die KillCam!
set scr_forcerespawn "1"
//0 - aus
//1 - an
//2 - Reflektierter Schaden
//3 - Geteilter Schaden
set scr_friendlyfire "1"
//0 = verboten, 1 = erlaubt
set g_allowvote "1"
//Master-Server (wo der Server angemeldet werden soll)
seta sv_master1 ""
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""
seta sv_master6 ""
//0 = verboten, 1 = erlaubt
set scr_allow_enfieldsniper "1"
set scr_allow_kar98ksniper "1"
set scr_allow_nagantsniper "1"
set scr_allow_springfield "1"
set scr_allow_enfield "1"
set scr_allow_kar98k "1"
set scr_allow_m1carbine "1"
set scr_allow_m1garand "1"
set scr_allow_nagant "1"
set scr_allow_svt40 "1"
set scr_allow_g43 "1"
//Schwere MGs
set scr_allow_bar "1"
set scr_allow_bren "1"
set scr_allow_mp44 "1"
set scr_allow_ppsh "1"
//Leichte MGs
set scr_allow_sten "1"
set scr_allow_mp40 "1"
set scr_allow_thompson "1"
set scr_allow_pps42 "1"
set scr_allow_greasegun "1"
set scr_allow_shotgun "1"
set scr_allow_smokegrenades "1"
set scr_allow_fraggrenades "1"
//Capture The Flag
set scr_ctf_scorelimit "5"
set scr_ctf_timelimit "15"
//Suchen & Zerstören
//Zeit bis die Bombe nach Aktivierung explodiert (Sekunden)
set scr_sd_bombtimer "60"
//Zeit am Anfang der Runde, in der Respawnen un Waffenauswahl erlaubt ist, 0 - 60 Sekunden
set scr_sd_graceperiod "15"
set scr_sd_roundlength "4"
//Maximale Anzahl Rundengewinne pro Map
set scr_sd_roundlimit "0"
//Team-Punkt-Limit pro Map
set scr_sd_scorelimit "10"
//Zeit-Limit in Minuten - 0 to 1440
set scr_sd_timelimit "0"
set scr_tdm_scorelimit "200"
set scr_tdm_timelimit "20"
set scr_dm_scorelimit "35"
set scr_dm_timelimit "15"
set scr_hq_scorelimit "600"
set scr_hq_timelimit "15"
exec back2uomod.cfg
//in CoD2-enthaltene Maps:
set g_gametype "dm"
set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_rhine gametype dm map mp_harbor gametype dm map mp_toujane gametype dm map mp_carentan gametype dm map mp_railyard gametype dm map mp_carentan gametype dm map mp_trainstation gametype dm map mp_downtown"
set sv_mapRotationCurrent ""
wait 250
Ich habe den mod auf den server überspielt und in diesen Ordner befinden sich folgende dateien
back2uo.cfg , z_gcf_back2uo_mod_v1.2a.iwd , und meine test.cfg
Kann mir jemand behilflich sein und mir sagen waas ich falsch gemacht habe?
Danke im voraus
MfG Gr-Bruder
Ich habe mir den Mod back2uo bei euch gezogen und habe nun das problem das ich ihn nicht zum laufen bekomme!
Ich habe mich am support gewendet und ihn auch freischalten lassen!
Nun bekomme ich den mod leider nicht zum laufen!
Ich starte meinen server und nach kurzer Zeit ist er wieder gestopt!
Ich poste mal meine .cfg und auch mal die meldung die mir die console bringt
Das ist die meldung in der Console:
CoD2 MP 1.2 build linux-i386 Apr 19 2006
----- FS_Startup -----
Current language: english
Current search path:
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/back2uo/z_gcf_back2uo_mod_v1.2a.iwd (184 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/z_pw_cli_09d.iwd (14 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/z_ps_svr_09d.iwd (52 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/z_gcf_back2uo_mod_v1.2a.iwd (184 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_15.iwd (84 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_14.iwd (4038 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_13.iwd (22624 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_12.iwd (1016 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_11.iwd (1462 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_10.iwd (1936 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_09.iwd (2142 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_08.iwd (2723 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_07.iwd (3384 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_06.iwd (990 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_05.iwd (928 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_04.iwd (698 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_03.iwd (26 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_02.iwd (40 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_01.iwd (16 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_00.iwd (102 files)
File Handles:
80996 files in iwd files
execing default_localize_mp.cfg
couldn't exec language.cfg
execing config_mp_server.cfg
dedicated is read only.
fs_game is write protected.
Opening IP socket:
Hostname: localhost.localdomain
Alias: localhost
Alias: frankfurt
Alias: frankfurt
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
sv_punkbuster is write protected.
net_ip is write protected.
net_port is write protected.
dedicated is read only.
execing server-dm.cfg
sv_punkbuster is write protected.
sv_cheats is write protected.
g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
invalid variable name: .IRC
invalid variable name: .Admin
invalid variable name: .Email
invalid variable name: .URL
"sv_mapRotation" is:"gametype dm map mp_rhine gametype dm map mp_harbor gametype dm map mp_breakout gametype dm map mp_brecourt gametype dm map mp_burgundy gametype dm map mp_carentan gametype dm map mp_dawnville gametype dm map mp_decoy gametype dm map mp_downtown gametype dm map mp_farmhouse gametype dm map mp_leningrad gametype dm map mp_matmata gametype dm map mp_railyard gametype dm map mp_toujane gametype dm map mp_trainstation"
"sv_mapRotationCurrent" is:""
Setting g_gametype: dm.
Setting map: mp_rhine.
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: mp_rhine
----- FS_Startup -----
Current language: german
Current search path:
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/back2uo/z_gcf_back2uo_mod_v1.2a.iwd (184 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/z_pw_cli_09d.iwd (14 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/z_ps_svr_09d.iwd (52 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/z_gcf_back2uo_mod_v1.2a.iwd (184 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_15.iwd (84 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_14.iwd (4038 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_13.iwd (22624 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_12.iwd (1016 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_11.iwd (1462 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_10.iwd (1936 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_09.iwd (2142 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_08.iwd (2723 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_07.iwd (3384 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_06.iwd (990 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_05.iwd (928 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_04.iwd (698 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_03.iwd (26 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_02.iwd (40 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_01.iwd (16 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/iw_00.iwd (102 files)
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw11.iwd (2 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw10.iwd (416 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw09.iwd (49 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw08.iwd (8 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw07.iwd (1084 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw06.iwd (2822 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw05.iwd (5672 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw04.iwd (6084 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw03.iwd (6270 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw02.iwd (5924 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw01.iwd (4622 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
/home/s4093/CallofDuty2-120/main/localized_german_iw00.iwd (5400 files)
localized assets iwd file for german
File Handles:
80996 files in iwd files
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: Call of Duty 2
gamedate: Apr 19 2006
******* script compile error *******
unknown function
Sys_Error: Error during initialization:
script compile error
Und das meine .cfg genannt test :-)
//CoD2-Test-Server-Script by [OL]YODA
//Anzeige ASE, HLSW, etc.
sets _Admin "Gr-Bruder"
sets _Email ""
sets _IRC "#"
sets _Website ""
sets _Location "Germany"
//Farbcodes funktionieren wie in CoD
set sv_hostname "Gr-Bruder by"
//Nicht in CoD2 verfügbar!
//set scr_motd "NICHT AKTIV IN CoD2!"
//IP bei multihomed Servern
set net_ip ""
//Port (Standard 28960)
set net_port "12203"
//gebannte IPs
set g_banIPs ""
set rcon_password "xxx"
set g_password "xxx"
//Privates Passwort
set sv_privatepassword ""
//Maximale Spieler
set sv_maxclients "10"
//Private Clients
set sv_privateclients "1"
//sv_allowedClan1 ""
//sv_allowedClan2 ""
//Min und Max Ping
set sv_minPing "0"
set sv_maxPing "0"
//Maximale Datenrate
set sv_maxRate "20000"
set g_antilag "1"
set sv_fps "20"
//Wiederverbindungs-Limit (Minuten?)
set sv_reconnectlimit "3"
//Sprach-Kommunkiation InGame
//0 = aus, 1 = an
set sv_voice "1"
//Sprach-Qualität (0 oder 1)
set sv_voicequality "1"
//Konsole für Clients an/aus
//0 = an, 1 = aus
set sv_disableClientConsole "0"
//Tote können mit allen chaten 0 = aus, 1 = an
set g_deadChat "1"
//gebannte Zeit nach Kick (Sekunden)
set sv_kickBanTime "300"
//Spiel loggen
//Loggen an/ aus (0/1)
set logfile "1"
//Name der Log-Datei
set g_log "back2uo_mp.log"
//0 - gepuffertes Loggen (zeitversetzt)
//1 - sofortiges Loggen
set g_logsync "1"
//PK3-Abgleich Server & Client
set sv_pure "1"
//Spam-Schutz an/aus (0/1)
set sv_floodProtect "1"
//Anonymous erlaubt/verboten (0/1)
set sv_allowAnonymous "0"
//Cheats aus/an (0/1)
set sv_cheats "0"
//Downloads aus/an (0/1)
set sv_allowDownload "1"
//KillCam aus/an (0/1)
set scr_killcam "0"
//Freies Zuschauen aus/an (0/1)
set scr_spectatefree "1"
//Gegner beobachten aus/an (0/1)
set scr_spectateenemy "1"
//Automatischer Teamausgleich
//0 - aus
//X > 0 - gleicht die Teams aus bei einer Spieleranzahl von X
set scr_teambalance "2"
//Symbole über Teamkameraden
//0 = nein, 1 = ja
set scr_drawfriend "1"
//Wiedereinstieg erzwingen
// 0 = nein, 1 = ja
//deaktiviert die KillCam!
set scr_forcerespawn "1"
//0 - aus
//1 - an
//2 - Reflektierter Schaden
//3 - Geteilter Schaden
set scr_friendlyfire "1"
//0 = verboten, 1 = erlaubt
set g_allowvote "1"
//Master-Server (wo der Server angemeldet werden soll)
seta sv_master1 ""
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""
seta sv_master6 ""
//0 = verboten, 1 = erlaubt
set scr_allow_enfieldsniper "1"
set scr_allow_kar98ksniper "1"
set scr_allow_nagantsniper "1"
set scr_allow_springfield "1"
set scr_allow_enfield "1"
set scr_allow_kar98k "1"
set scr_allow_m1carbine "1"
set scr_allow_m1garand "1"
set scr_allow_nagant "1"
set scr_allow_svt40 "1"
set scr_allow_g43 "1"
//Schwere MGs
set scr_allow_bar "1"
set scr_allow_bren "1"
set scr_allow_mp44 "1"
set scr_allow_ppsh "1"
//Leichte MGs
set scr_allow_sten "1"
set scr_allow_mp40 "1"
set scr_allow_thompson "1"
set scr_allow_pps42 "1"
set scr_allow_greasegun "1"
set scr_allow_shotgun "1"
set scr_allow_smokegrenades "1"
set scr_allow_fraggrenades "1"
//Capture The Flag
set scr_ctf_scorelimit "5"
set scr_ctf_timelimit "15"
//Suchen & Zerstören
//Zeit bis die Bombe nach Aktivierung explodiert (Sekunden)
set scr_sd_bombtimer "60"
//Zeit am Anfang der Runde, in der Respawnen un Waffenauswahl erlaubt ist, 0 - 60 Sekunden
set scr_sd_graceperiod "15"
set scr_sd_roundlength "4"
//Maximale Anzahl Rundengewinne pro Map
set scr_sd_roundlimit "0"
//Team-Punkt-Limit pro Map
set scr_sd_scorelimit "10"
//Zeit-Limit in Minuten - 0 to 1440
set scr_sd_timelimit "0"
set scr_tdm_scorelimit "200"
set scr_tdm_timelimit "20"
set scr_dm_scorelimit "35"
set scr_dm_timelimit "15"
set scr_hq_scorelimit "600"
set scr_hq_timelimit "15"
exec back2uomod.cfg
//in CoD2-enthaltene Maps:
set g_gametype "dm"
set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_rhine gametype dm map mp_harbor gametype dm map mp_toujane gametype dm map mp_carentan gametype dm map mp_railyard gametype dm map mp_carentan gametype dm map mp_trainstation gametype dm map mp_downtown"
set sv_mapRotationCurrent ""
wait 250
Ich habe den mod auf den server überspielt und in diesen Ordner befinden sich folgende dateien
back2uo.cfg , z_gcf_back2uo_mod_v1.2a.iwd , und meine test.cfg
Kann mir jemand behilflich sein und mir sagen waas ich falsch gemacht habe?
Danke im voraus
MfG Gr-Bruder