Mäh, zusammen!
Nachdem ich erfahren habe, dass man bei AWE 2.12 so einige Einstellungsmöglichkeiten hat, habe ich das natürlich gleich mal ausprobiert.
Jetzt tut sich mir folgendes Problem auf:
Wenn ich den Server über die Verknüpung (Parameter: +set fs_game awe_uo +set dedicated 0 +exec awe2.cfg +map_rotate) starte kommt nachdem fast fertig geladen wurde folgede Fehlermeldung:
UI_Alloc: Speichermangel
Hier mein Script:
// General //
// Disable AWE (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
// Setting this to 1 will disable AWE with a few exceptions:
// 1. Some minor modifications to the grenades. (take damage)
// 2. Some cvars that start with scr_. For example the tank capture time.
set awe_disable "0"
// Show bomb timer in Search & Destroy (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
set awe_show_sd_timer "1"
// Number of random HQ radios to spawn for maps that normally do not support HQ (default 8 )
//set awe_hq_spawn_radios "8"
// Force adding of new radios even if stock ones exists (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_hq_force_new_radios "0"
// Show AWE logo under healthbar (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
set awe_show_logo "0"
// Show number of alive players in each team (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = alternate setting) (default 0)
set awe_show_team_status "0"
// Automaticly try to fix errors in maprotation (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
// After this has been done the cvar will be set to "0" so that it will only run when you start the server
// or reload your config file.
set awe_fix_maprotation "1"
// Use random map rotation (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
// See the readme file for an explanation how this works.
set awe_random_maprotation "1"
// Rotate map if server is empty for x minutes (0 = disable feature) (default 30)
set awe_rotate_if_empty "30"
// Show blip on hud when you hit another player (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
set awe_showhit "0"
// Show bulletholes on hud (0 = no, 1 = only on headshots, 2 = always) (default 0)
set awe_bulletholes "1"
// Warmup round in roundbased gametypes (to allow players to connect) (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
set awe_warmup_round "0"
// Disable minefields? (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_disable_minefields "0"
// Limit bases in Base Assault (0 = no, 1 = one base for each team, 2 = two bases for each team) (default 0)
set awe_limit_bases "0"
// Player speed in percent of default speed (default 100)
set awe_player_speed "100"
// Gravity in percent of the default gravity (default 100)
set awe_gravity "100"
// Enable first aid kits (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_firstaid "1"
// Number of first aid kits to give to each player (default 1)
set awe_firstaid_kits "2"
// Amount of health that can be recovered with a first aid kit (default 25)
// A random value of 0 to 14 will be added to this value
set awe_firstaid_health "25"
// Delay in seconds between being able to use the next first aid kit (default 10)
set awe_firstaid_delay "10"
// Score to give to a player for succesfully patching up a teammate (default 1)
set awe_firstaid_score "1"
// Drop health on death (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1) (not for UO)
// I've commented this out since it uses the same cvar as the built in cvar in UO.
set scr_drophealth "1"
// Fix map exploits in some UO maps (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_fix_map_exploits "1"
// Gametype pretending //
// This cvar is usable if you want to pretend that one custom gametype is another
// Useful if you run custom gametypes but find that people have problems finding
// your server in the browser list.
//Examples of gametype pretending...
//set awe_pretend_gametype_actf "ctf"
//set awe_pretend_gametype_htf "ctf"
//set awe_pretend_gametype_rsd "sd"
//set awe_pretend_gametype_dem "sd"
//set awe_pretend_gametype_ad "dom"
set awe_pretend_gametype_lts "tdm"
// Damage blocking //
// The following cvars are used to prevent abuse cause by players throwing grenades or satchels among their
// teammates and then switch to spectator or to the other team to avoid being punished for teamkilling
// Block damage caused by spectators (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_block_damage_spectator "1"
// Block damage caused by someone who switched teams within the last seconds (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_block_damage_team_switch "1"
// Shellshock //
// Shellshock (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1) (not for UO)
// I've commented this out since it uses the same cvar as the built in cvar in UO.
set scr_shellshock "1"
// Deathshock (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_deathshock "1"
// Next map voting //
// Vote for the next map from 5 random candidates (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
// NOTE! Enabling this will disable random maprotation and the next map/gametype messages
set awe_map_vote "1"
// Timout for voting in seconds (min 10, max 180) (default 30)
set awe_map_vote_time "30"
// Make last alternative an option to replay the same map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_map_vote_replay "0"
// Server/Clan logo //
// !!IMPORTANT!! For advanced users only, follow those steps to change the text displayed
// 1. Rename the mod filename by addin an unique extension.
// For example rename z_awe_svr_customlogo.pk3 to z_awe_svr_myclanlogo.pk3
// (Without this step players with local AWE installations may not be able to connect to your server.)
// 2. Open your renamed .pk3 file with WinRAR (or WinZip)
// 3. Open /server_logo/_awe_server_logo.gsc with your favourite text editor.
// 4. Change the text between the quotationmarks
// 5. Save your changes
// 6. Use your renamed version of z_awe_svr_customlogo.pk3 _INSTEAD_ of the original version.
// 7. Also change the cvar below to "1"
// Show server/clan logo 0 = off, 1 = under compass, 2 = centered) (default 0)
set awe_show_server_logo "0"
// Obituarys //
// Show obituarys? (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = extended) (default 1)
set awe_obituary "1"
// Show large death obituarys for the killed player? (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_obituary_death "1"
// Vsay functions //
// Enable functions by binding keys to vsay commands
// Example bind x "vsay AWE DW" will allow weapons drops with the x button
// Enable weapon drop with "vsay AWE DW" (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_vsay_drop_weapon "0"
// Enable health drop with "vsay AWE DH" (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_vsay_drop_health "0"
// Unknown Soldier handling //
// Make them reflect friendlyfire (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
// (This will stay effective until the next map even if they change their name.)
//set awe_unknown_reflect "1"
// Rename them automaticly (examples below)
// Player will get one of those names + a random number between 0 and 999.
// (They will still be threated like unknowns by the methods below and the friendlyfire reflect above.)
set awe_unknown_name0 "^1I wear ladies underwear"
set awe_unknown_name1 "^1Brad Pitt is sooo cute."
// Override message to display to renamed players, set it to "none" to disable the message completely
set awe_unknown_rename_msg "Please Rename!"
// Use a method to pester them (default 0)
// (Changing their name will stop this)
// 0 = do nothing
// 1 = make them drop their weapon
// 2 = force to prone and drop weapon
// 3 = keep them in shellshock
set awe_unknown_method "1"
// UO Sprinting //
// UO sprinting (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = unlimited, 3 = override defaults) (default 1)
set awe_uo_sprint "1"
// The cvars below is only used if awe_uo_sprint is set to "3"
// UO sprint time in percent of original time (default 100)
set awe_uo_sprint_time "100"
// UO sprint recover time in percent of original time (default 100)
set awe_uo_sprint_recover_time "100"
// UO sprint speed in percent of original time (default 100)
set awe_uo_sprint_speed "100"
// AWE Sprinting //
// (activated with the USE button) //
// Enable AWE sprinting (0 = off, 1 = while standing, 2 = stand and crouch, 3 = stand, crouch and prone) (default 0)
// NOTE! Enabling this in UO will disable the built in UO sprinting.
set awe_sprint "0"
// Enable hud (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = alternate mode(reuses a commonly used shader)) (default 1)
set awe_sprint_hud "1"
// Enable hud hint (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
set awe_sprint_hud_hint "1"
// Sprint speed increase in percent (default 60)
set awe_sprint_speed "60"
// Max sprint time in seconds (default 3)
set awe_sprint_time "3"
// Max recover time in seconds (default 2)
// Total recover time for a full recover will be this time + the maximum sprint time
set awe_sprint_recover_time "2"
// Dead body handling //
// Disable bodies (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = play smoke fx) (default 0)
set awe_no_bodies "0"
// Burning bodies for players killed by flamethrower (0 = no, any number = time to burn in seconds) (default 5)
set awe_burning_bodies "5"
// Searchable bodies (0 = no, any number = time to search in seconds) (default 1)
// NOTE! A random delay of 0 to 1 second will be added to the time above.
set awe_searchable_bodies "1"
// Allow healthpacks to be found (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_searchable_bodies_health "1"
// Laserdot //
// Laserdot transparency (0 = disabled, 1 = solid) (default 0)
//set awe_laserdot "0"
// Size of dot (default 2)
//set awe_laserdot_size "2"
// Color (default 1,0,0)
//set awe_laserdot_red "1"
//set awe_laserdot_green "0"
//set awe_laserdot_blue "0"
// Welcome messages //
// Delay (in seconds) between welcome messages (default "1")
set awe_welcome_delay "1"
// Welcome messages that are displayed to new players
set awe_welcome0 "Welcome to our server!"
set awe_welcome1 "It runs AWE 2.1"
// Server messages //
// Delay between server messages in seconds (default 30)
set awe_message_delay "30"
// Show next map and/or gametype as first message (0 = no, 1 = only map, 2 = lite, 3 = normal, 4 = extra) (default 2)
set awe_message_next_map "2"
// Loop messages (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_message_loop "1"
// Show messages for each player, idealy use this when message looping is turned off (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_message_individual "0"
// Server messages
// There is no limit, the message system will start over
// automaticly when the last message has been displayed.
set awe_message0 "^3This server runs ^6AWE ^52.1 beta ("
set awe_message1 "^3Tripwires can be placed by going prone with at least two grenades."
// Team overriding //
// Override allied team ("random", "american", "british", "russian") (default "")
// Will not have any effect on most of the UO maps since they are not comptible with this feature.
//set awe_team_allies ""
// Swap teams for each round in roundbased gametypes (0 = do not swap, 1 = swap) (default 0)
//set awe_team_swap "0"
// Rain/Snow //
// Rain/Snow will only show for players with the clientside mod installed
// Rain will only work on non winter maps and snow will only work on winter maps
// Chance in percent that there will be rain (default 0)
set awe_rain "50"
// Chance in percent that there will be snow (default 0)
set awe_snow "50"
// Cold breath effect in winter maps (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_cold_breath "1"
// Fog overriding //
// Those settings should be always be tuned for each map.
// See fog.cfg for some examples.
// Only use cfog OR efog, NEVER use both for a map.
// String containing CullFog information (default "none")
set awe_cfog "none"
// cfog is used like this
// set awe_cfog "A B C D E F"
// A = chance in percent for fog to be overridden
// B = Fog distance
// C = Fog distance2, if set to anything but 0, the fog will fade between distance and distance2
// D = Fog color, red intensity (min 0, max 1)
// E = Fog color, green intensity (min 0, max 1)
// F = Fog color, blue intensity (min 0, max 1)
// String containing ExpFog information (default "none")
set awe_efog "none"
// efog is used like this
// set awe_efog "A B C D E F"
// A = chance in percent for fog to be overridden
// B = Fog density
// C = Fog density2, if set to anything but 0, the fog will fade between density and density2
// D = Fog color, red intensity (min 0, max 1)
// E = Fog color, green intensity (min 0, max 1)
// F = Fog color, blue intensity (min 0, max 1)
// Painscreen, bloodyscreen and helmet popping (not for Merciless) //
// Show painscreen (0 = off, other value = intensity in percent) (default 0)
set awe_painscreen "80"
// Show blood splatter on screen (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
set awe_bloodyscreen "1"
// Pop helmets (0 = off, other value = chance in percent that helmet will pop) (default 50)
set awe_pophelmet "50"
// Pop heads (0 = off, other value = chance in percent that head will pop) (default 0)
set awe_pophead "0"
// The following cvars controls which things trigger the pophead code (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
set awe_pophead_bullet "0" // rifles, snipers and turrets
set awe_pophead_melee "0" // Melee
set awe_pophead_explosion "0" // Explosions
// Taunts (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled) (default 0)
set awe_taunts "1"
// Painsounds (not for Merciless) //
// 0 = no painsounds, 1 = painsounds (default 1)
set awe_painsound "1"
// Realism options //
// Bleeding (not for MC) (0 = no, 1 to 100 = points to bleed) (default 0)
// Picking up a healthpack will stop bleeding
set awe_bleeding "11"
// Drop weapon on hand or gun hit (not for MC) (chance in percent 0-100) (default 0)
set awe_droponhandhit "50"
// Drop weapon on arm hit (not for MC) (chance in percent 0-100) (default 0)
set awe_droponarmhit "25"
// Weapon drop on death? (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = drop all weapons) (default 1)
set awe_dropondeath "1"
// Trip on leg hit (chance in percent 0-100) (default 0)
set awe_triponleghit "25"
// Trip on foot hit (chance in percent 0-100) (default 0)
set awe_triponfoothit "50"
// Disable crosshair (0 = don't disable, 1 = disable, 2 = enable) (default 0)
set awe_no_crosshair "2"
// MG42 options //
// Disable all MG42s in the map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_mg42_disable "0"
// Spawn extra MG42s at random spawnpoints (0 = no) (default 0)
// Set to the number of extra MG42s you want.
set awe_mg42_spawn_extra "0"
// PTRS41 options //
// Disable all PTRS41s in the map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_ptrs41_disable "0"
// Spawn extra PTRS41s at random spawnpoints (0 = no) (default 0)
// Set to the number of extra PTRS41s you want.
set awe_ptrs41_spawn_extra "0"
// Tripwire //
// Enable tripwires (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = don't count teamkills, 3 = don't trigger on teammates) (default 0)
set awe_tripwire "3"
// Tripwire for each team (in DM this number will be doubled) (default 5)
set awe_tripwire_limit "5"
// Display warning for teammates (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_tripwire_warning "1"
// Time needed to place a tripwire (default 3)
set awe_tripwire_plant_time "3"
// Time needed to pickup/defuse a tripwire (default 5)
set awe_tripwire_pick_time "5"
// Remote detonable satchels //
// Enable remote detonable satchels(0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_satchel "1"
// Remote detonable limit for each team (in DM this number will be doubled) (default 5)
set awe_satchel_limit "5"
// Time needed to place a satchel (default 3)
set awe_satchel_plant_time "3"
// Time needed to pickup/defuse a tripwire (default 5)
set awe_satchel_pick_time "5"
Nachdem ich erfahren habe, dass man bei AWE 2.12 so einige Einstellungsmöglichkeiten hat, habe ich das natürlich gleich mal ausprobiert.
Jetzt tut sich mir folgendes Problem auf:
Wenn ich den Server über die Verknüpung (Parameter: +set fs_game awe_uo +set dedicated 0 +exec awe2.cfg +map_rotate) starte kommt nachdem fast fertig geladen wurde folgede Fehlermeldung:
UI_Alloc: Speichermangel
Hier mein Script:
// General //
// Disable AWE (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
// Setting this to 1 will disable AWE with a few exceptions:
// 1. Some minor modifications to the grenades. (take damage)
// 2. Some cvars that start with scr_. For example the tank capture time.
set awe_disable "0"
// Show bomb timer in Search & Destroy (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
set awe_show_sd_timer "1"
// Number of random HQ radios to spawn for maps that normally do not support HQ (default 8 )
//set awe_hq_spawn_radios "8"
// Force adding of new radios even if stock ones exists (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_hq_force_new_radios "0"
// Show AWE logo under healthbar (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
set awe_show_logo "0"
// Show number of alive players in each team (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = alternate setting) (default 0)
set awe_show_team_status "0"
// Automaticly try to fix errors in maprotation (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
// After this has been done the cvar will be set to "0" so that it will only run when you start the server
// or reload your config file.
set awe_fix_maprotation "1"
// Use random map rotation (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
// See the readme file for an explanation how this works.
set awe_random_maprotation "1"
// Rotate map if server is empty for x minutes (0 = disable feature) (default 30)
set awe_rotate_if_empty "30"
// Show blip on hud when you hit another player (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
set awe_showhit "0"
// Show bulletholes on hud (0 = no, 1 = only on headshots, 2 = always) (default 0)
set awe_bulletholes "1"
// Warmup round in roundbased gametypes (to allow players to connect) (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
set awe_warmup_round "0"
// Disable minefields? (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_disable_minefields "0"
// Limit bases in Base Assault (0 = no, 1 = one base for each team, 2 = two bases for each team) (default 0)
set awe_limit_bases "0"
// Player speed in percent of default speed (default 100)
set awe_player_speed "100"
// Gravity in percent of the default gravity (default 100)
set awe_gravity "100"
// Enable first aid kits (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_firstaid "1"
// Number of first aid kits to give to each player (default 1)
set awe_firstaid_kits "2"
// Amount of health that can be recovered with a first aid kit (default 25)
// A random value of 0 to 14 will be added to this value
set awe_firstaid_health "25"
// Delay in seconds between being able to use the next first aid kit (default 10)
set awe_firstaid_delay "10"
// Score to give to a player for succesfully patching up a teammate (default 1)
set awe_firstaid_score "1"
// Drop health on death (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1) (not for UO)
// I've commented this out since it uses the same cvar as the built in cvar in UO.
set scr_drophealth "1"
// Fix map exploits in some UO maps (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_fix_map_exploits "1"
// Gametype pretending //
// This cvar is usable if you want to pretend that one custom gametype is another
// Useful if you run custom gametypes but find that people have problems finding
// your server in the browser list.
//Examples of gametype pretending...
//set awe_pretend_gametype_actf "ctf"
//set awe_pretend_gametype_htf "ctf"
//set awe_pretend_gametype_rsd "sd"
//set awe_pretend_gametype_dem "sd"
//set awe_pretend_gametype_ad "dom"
set awe_pretend_gametype_lts "tdm"
// Damage blocking //
// The following cvars are used to prevent abuse cause by players throwing grenades or satchels among their
// teammates and then switch to spectator or to the other team to avoid being punished for teamkilling
// Block damage caused by spectators (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_block_damage_spectator "1"
// Block damage caused by someone who switched teams within the last seconds (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_block_damage_team_switch "1"
// Shellshock //
// Shellshock (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1) (not for UO)
// I've commented this out since it uses the same cvar as the built in cvar in UO.
set scr_shellshock "1"
// Deathshock (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_deathshock "1"
// Next map voting //
// Vote for the next map from 5 random candidates (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
// NOTE! Enabling this will disable random maprotation and the next map/gametype messages
set awe_map_vote "1"
// Timout for voting in seconds (min 10, max 180) (default 30)
set awe_map_vote_time "30"
// Make last alternative an option to replay the same map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_map_vote_replay "0"
// Server/Clan logo //
// !!IMPORTANT!! For advanced users only, follow those steps to change the text displayed
// 1. Rename the mod filename by addin an unique extension.
// For example rename z_awe_svr_customlogo.pk3 to z_awe_svr_myclanlogo.pk3
// (Without this step players with local AWE installations may not be able to connect to your server.)
// 2. Open your renamed .pk3 file with WinRAR (or WinZip)
// 3. Open /server_logo/_awe_server_logo.gsc with your favourite text editor.
// 4. Change the text between the quotationmarks
// 5. Save your changes
// 6. Use your renamed version of z_awe_svr_customlogo.pk3 _INSTEAD_ of the original version.
// 7. Also change the cvar below to "1"
// Show server/clan logo 0 = off, 1 = under compass, 2 = centered) (default 0)
set awe_show_server_logo "0"
// Obituarys //
// Show obituarys? (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = extended) (default 1)
set awe_obituary "1"
// Show large death obituarys for the killed player? (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_obituary_death "1"
// Vsay functions //
// Enable functions by binding keys to vsay commands
// Example bind x "vsay AWE DW" will allow weapons drops with the x button
// Enable weapon drop with "vsay AWE DW" (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_vsay_drop_weapon "0"
// Enable health drop with "vsay AWE DH" (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_vsay_drop_health "0"
// Unknown Soldier handling //
// Make them reflect friendlyfire (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
// (This will stay effective until the next map even if they change their name.)
//set awe_unknown_reflect "1"
// Rename them automaticly (examples below)
// Player will get one of those names + a random number between 0 and 999.
// (They will still be threated like unknowns by the methods below and the friendlyfire reflect above.)
set awe_unknown_name0 "^1I wear ladies underwear"
set awe_unknown_name1 "^1Brad Pitt is sooo cute."
// Override message to display to renamed players, set it to "none" to disable the message completely
set awe_unknown_rename_msg "Please Rename!"
// Use a method to pester them (default 0)
// (Changing their name will stop this)
// 0 = do nothing
// 1 = make them drop their weapon
// 2 = force to prone and drop weapon
// 3 = keep them in shellshock
set awe_unknown_method "1"
// UO Sprinting //
// UO sprinting (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = unlimited, 3 = override defaults) (default 1)
set awe_uo_sprint "1"
// The cvars below is only used if awe_uo_sprint is set to "3"
// UO sprint time in percent of original time (default 100)
set awe_uo_sprint_time "100"
// UO sprint recover time in percent of original time (default 100)
set awe_uo_sprint_recover_time "100"
// UO sprint speed in percent of original time (default 100)
set awe_uo_sprint_speed "100"
// AWE Sprinting //
// (activated with the USE button) //
// Enable AWE sprinting (0 = off, 1 = while standing, 2 = stand and crouch, 3 = stand, crouch and prone) (default 0)
// NOTE! Enabling this in UO will disable the built in UO sprinting.
set awe_sprint "0"
// Enable hud (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = alternate mode(reuses a commonly used shader)) (default 1)
set awe_sprint_hud "1"
// Enable hud hint (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
set awe_sprint_hud_hint "1"
// Sprint speed increase in percent (default 60)
set awe_sprint_speed "60"
// Max sprint time in seconds (default 3)
set awe_sprint_time "3"
// Max recover time in seconds (default 2)
// Total recover time for a full recover will be this time + the maximum sprint time
set awe_sprint_recover_time "2"
// Dead body handling //
// Disable bodies (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = play smoke fx) (default 0)
set awe_no_bodies "0"
// Burning bodies for players killed by flamethrower (0 = no, any number = time to burn in seconds) (default 5)
set awe_burning_bodies "5"
// Searchable bodies (0 = no, any number = time to search in seconds) (default 1)
// NOTE! A random delay of 0 to 1 second will be added to the time above.
set awe_searchable_bodies "1"
// Allow healthpacks to be found (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_searchable_bodies_health "1"
// Laserdot //
// Laserdot transparency (0 = disabled, 1 = solid) (default 0)
//set awe_laserdot "0"
// Size of dot (default 2)
//set awe_laserdot_size "2"
// Color (default 1,0,0)
//set awe_laserdot_red "1"
//set awe_laserdot_green "0"
//set awe_laserdot_blue "0"
// Welcome messages //
// Delay (in seconds) between welcome messages (default "1")
set awe_welcome_delay "1"
// Welcome messages that are displayed to new players
set awe_welcome0 "Welcome to our server!"
set awe_welcome1 "It runs AWE 2.1"
// Server messages //
// Delay between server messages in seconds (default 30)
set awe_message_delay "30"
// Show next map and/or gametype as first message (0 = no, 1 = only map, 2 = lite, 3 = normal, 4 = extra) (default 2)
set awe_message_next_map "2"
// Loop messages (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_message_loop "1"
// Show messages for each player, idealy use this when message looping is turned off (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_message_individual "0"
// Server messages
// There is no limit, the message system will start over
// automaticly when the last message has been displayed.
set awe_message0 "^3This server runs ^6AWE ^52.1 beta ("
set awe_message1 "^3Tripwires can be placed by going prone with at least two grenades."
// Team overriding //
// Override allied team ("random", "american", "british", "russian") (default "")
// Will not have any effect on most of the UO maps since they are not comptible with this feature.
//set awe_team_allies ""
// Swap teams for each round in roundbased gametypes (0 = do not swap, 1 = swap) (default 0)
//set awe_team_swap "0"
// Rain/Snow //
// Rain/Snow will only show for players with the clientside mod installed
// Rain will only work on non winter maps and snow will only work on winter maps
// Chance in percent that there will be rain (default 0)
set awe_rain "50"
// Chance in percent that there will be snow (default 0)
set awe_snow "50"
// Cold breath effect in winter maps (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_cold_breath "1"
// Fog overriding //
// Those settings should be always be tuned for each map.
// See fog.cfg for some examples.
// Only use cfog OR efog, NEVER use both for a map.
// String containing CullFog information (default "none")
set awe_cfog "none"
// cfog is used like this
// set awe_cfog "A B C D E F"
// A = chance in percent for fog to be overridden
// B = Fog distance
// C = Fog distance2, if set to anything but 0, the fog will fade between distance and distance2
// D = Fog color, red intensity (min 0, max 1)
// E = Fog color, green intensity (min 0, max 1)
// F = Fog color, blue intensity (min 0, max 1)
// String containing ExpFog information (default "none")
set awe_efog "none"
// efog is used like this
// set awe_efog "A B C D E F"
// A = chance in percent for fog to be overridden
// B = Fog density
// C = Fog density2, if set to anything but 0, the fog will fade between density and density2
// D = Fog color, red intensity (min 0, max 1)
// E = Fog color, green intensity (min 0, max 1)
// F = Fog color, blue intensity (min 0, max 1)
// Painscreen, bloodyscreen and helmet popping (not for Merciless) //
// Show painscreen (0 = off, other value = intensity in percent) (default 0)
set awe_painscreen "80"
// Show blood splatter on screen (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
set awe_bloodyscreen "1"
// Pop helmets (0 = off, other value = chance in percent that helmet will pop) (default 50)
set awe_pophelmet "50"
// Pop heads (0 = off, other value = chance in percent that head will pop) (default 0)
set awe_pophead "0"
// The following cvars controls which things trigger the pophead code (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
set awe_pophead_bullet "0" // rifles, snipers and turrets
set awe_pophead_melee "0" // Melee
set awe_pophead_explosion "0" // Explosions
// Taunts (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled) (default 0)
set awe_taunts "1"
// Painsounds (not for Merciless) //
// 0 = no painsounds, 1 = painsounds (default 1)
set awe_painsound "1"
// Realism options //
// Bleeding (not for MC) (0 = no, 1 to 100 = points to bleed) (default 0)
// Picking up a healthpack will stop bleeding
set awe_bleeding "11"
// Drop weapon on hand or gun hit (not for MC) (chance in percent 0-100) (default 0)
set awe_droponhandhit "50"
// Drop weapon on arm hit (not for MC) (chance in percent 0-100) (default 0)
set awe_droponarmhit "25"
// Weapon drop on death? (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = drop all weapons) (default 1)
set awe_dropondeath "1"
// Trip on leg hit (chance in percent 0-100) (default 0)
set awe_triponleghit "25"
// Trip on foot hit (chance in percent 0-100) (default 0)
set awe_triponfoothit "50"
// Disable crosshair (0 = don't disable, 1 = disable, 2 = enable) (default 0)
set awe_no_crosshair "2"
// MG42 options //
// Disable all MG42s in the map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_mg42_disable "0"
// Spawn extra MG42s at random spawnpoints (0 = no) (default 0)
// Set to the number of extra MG42s you want.
set awe_mg42_spawn_extra "0"
// PTRS41 options //
// Disable all PTRS41s in the map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_ptrs41_disable "0"
// Spawn extra PTRS41s at random spawnpoints (0 = no) (default 0)
// Set to the number of extra PTRS41s you want.
set awe_ptrs41_spawn_extra "0"
// Tripwire //
// Enable tripwires (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = don't count teamkills, 3 = don't trigger on teammates) (default 0)
set awe_tripwire "3"
// Tripwire for each team (in DM this number will be doubled) (default 5)
set awe_tripwire_limit "5"
// Display warning for teammates (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_tripwire_warning "1"
// Time needed to place a tripwire (default 3)
set awe_tripwire_plant_time "3"
// Time needed to pickup/defuse a tripwire (default 5)
set awe_tripwire_pick_time "5"
// Remote detonable satchels //
// Enable remote detonable satchels(0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_satchel "1"
// Remote detonable limit for each team (in DM this number will be doubled) (default 5)
set awe_satchel_limit "5"
// Time needed to place a satchel (default 3)
set awe_satchel_plant_time "3"
// Time needed to pickup/defuse a tripwire (default 5)
set awe_satchel_pick_time "5"