Cod:UO mit AWE 2.12 + Modern Weapons

Hi Leutz. Hab auf meinen LAN-Server mal AWE mit Modern Weapons draufgepackt. Läuft auch alles soweit. Nur ich komm mit der config nicht klar denk ich. Ich habe CVARs angepasst nur jetzt hab ich das Problem, dass ich nur als american die waffen auswählen kann. Als german zb hab ich nur die Mac. Ich denke, dass es irgendwie an der Einstellung der Config liegt. Wäre nett, wenn mir jemand mals seine Config posten könnte!!
Andere Idee:

Poste mal Deine und wir gucken gemeinsam drüber ob da ein Fehlerchen drin ist... Augenzwinkern
Ma noch zu den Daten:
CPU: Athlon XP 2000+
OS: Windows 2003 Server Standard

Der Gameserver wird nur als Benutzer gestartet nicht als Admin
CoDUOMP.exe +set fs_game awe_uo +set dedicated 1 +exec server.cfg

Hier die server.cfg


pb_sv_enable 0
set sv_hostname "^7-=]^1DEADLY AVALANCHE^7[=- ^1Public ^7S^1erver ^7AWE-MOD ^1Modern-Weapons"
set sv_maxclients "24"
set g_password ""
set sv_pure "1"
set rconpassword "...."
set net_port "28961"

//Spiel loggen ( 0 = aus 1 = an )
set logfile "1"
//0 - gepuffertes Loggen (zeitversetzt)
//1 - sofortiges Loggen
set g_logsync "0"
//Wenn Spiel geloggt werden soll:
//Name der Log-Datei
set g_log "game_mp.log"

set g_gametype "tdm"
set scr_drawfriend "1"
set scr_forcerespawn "0"
set scr_friendlyfire "1"
set g_allowvote "0"
set scr_motd "Willkommen bei ^1-=DEADLY AVALANCHE=- ^7Public Server AWE MOD, besuch auf welcome to ^1-=DEADLY AVALANCHE=- ^7Public Server AWE MOD visit us on"
set scr_allow_bar "1"
set scr_allow_bren "0"
set scr_allow_enfield "1"
set scr_allow_kar98k "0"
set scr_allow_kar98ksniper "0"
set scr_allow_m1carbine "0"
set scr_allow_m1garand "0"
set scr_allow_mp40 "0"
set scr_allow_mp44 "0"
set scr_allow_nagant "0"
set scr_allow_nagantsniper "0"
set scr_allow_panzerfaust "0"
set scr_allow_ppsh "0"
set scr_allow_springfield "1"
set scr_allow_sten "1"
set scr_allow_thompson "0"
set scr_allow_fg42 "0"
set scr_allow_pistols "1"
set scr_allow_satchel "1"
set scr_allow_smoke "1"
set scr_allow_grenades "1"
set scr_allow_flamethrower "0"
set scr_allow_artillery "0"
set scr_allow_bazooka "0"
set scr_allow_mg34 "0"
set scr_allow_dp28 "0"
set scr_allow_mg30cal "0"
set scr_allow_gewehr43 "0"
set scr_allow_svt40 "0"
set scr_sd_graceperiod "15"
set scr_sd_roundlength "2.5"
set scr_sd_roundlimit "10"
set scr_sd_scorelimit "30"
set scr_sd_timelimit "0"
set scr_re_graceperiod "20"
set scr_re_roundlength "15"
set scr_re_roundlimit "15"
set scr_re_scorelimit "15"
set scr_re_timelimit "0"
set scr_re_showcarrier "0"
set scr_bel_alivepointtime "10"
set scr_bel_scorelimit "15"
set scr_bel_timelimit "20"
set scr_tdm_scorelimit "200"
set scr_tdm_timelimit "0"
set scr_dm_scorelimit "100"
set scr_dm_timelimit "0"
set scr_killcam "1"
set scr_spectateenemy "0"

//sollte dies Tool nicht aktiv sein, dann einfach diese Zeile löschen
exec platinum.cfg

// Fahrzeuge (0 = verbieten, 1 = erlauben)
set scr_allow_flak88 "1"
set scr_allow_su152 "1"
set scr_allow_elefant "1"
set scr_allow_panzeriv "1"
set scr_allow_t34 "1"
set scr_allow_sherman "1"
set scr_allow_horch "1"
set scr_allow_gaz67b "1"
set scr_allow_willyjeep "1"

//EINGEFUEGT 12.11.06

//Downloads from server
//seta sv_floodProtect "1"
seta sv_timeout "600"
//seta sv_allowAnonymous "0"
seta sv_reconnectlimit "3"
seta sv_dl_maxRate "630000"

//HTTP Redirect Downloads
set sv_allowDownload "1"
set cl_wwwDownload "1"
set sv_wwwDownload "1"
set sv_wwwBaseURL "ftp://codserver:login@chepack-server/fun_server_mw"
set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"

//in GameSpy anzeigen (0 = nein, 1 = ja)
set g_gamespy 1

//Map Cylce
set sv_mapRotation "gametype sd map mp_carentan gametype sd map the_bridge gametype sd map lamilitia gametype sd map d-day+7 gametype sd map mp_container gametype sd map mp_uo_varaville gametype sd map mp_tigertown gametype sd map mp_dawnville gametype sd map mp_harbor gametype sd map mp_cassino gametype sd map mp_berlin gametype sd map mp_brecourt"

map mp_carentan

exec awe.cfg
Mal ganz weit ausgeholt. In CoD2 hatte ich mal ein ähnliches Problem mit AWE und ner Weapon Mod. Probier einfach mal die Waffendatein der Deutschen in der AWE Mod zu löschen... (Keine Ahnung wie die bei CoD1 heißt...)

Das ganze aber ohne Gewähr.
wie heist es denn bei COD2?

Eventuell ist es glei oder ähnlich!
Solltest mal drüber nachdenken, Deine cfg zu überarbeiten...

Dieser Eintrag:

//sollte dies Tool nicht aktiv sein, dann einfach diese Zeile löschen
exec platinum.cfg

Ist absolut nutzlos, Du benutzt den Platinum MOD nicht, oder? Dürfte aber daher stammen, copy&paste halt... Augenzwinkern

Außerdem würde die cfg dann auch mal was übersichtlicher, kannst ja mal unseren CFG-Generator für UO anschauen (ganz nach unten scrollen, die Anzeige ist leider noch zerschossen)...

Dann ein weiterer Tip:
Die Map-Rotation sollte immer als letztes kommen, Befehle wie "exec awe.cfg" sollten VOR der Map-Rotation ausgeführt werden.

Ein "map_rotate" ist auch nie verkehrt, gerade beim AWE werden manche Einstellungen erst nach einem Map-Wechsel aktiviert.


Was Dein Problem angeht - solltest mal die awe.cfg posten (das war bereits beim ersten Post, daß Du Deine cfg mal zeigen sollst) gemeint... Denn sowohl die Start-CFG als auch die CFG des AWE enthalten Waffeneinstellungen...

Und falls Du eine englischsprachige awe.cfg benutzt - schau mal hier, da ist eine deutsche Übersetzung: KLICK MICH
Hier die awe.cfg


// General //

// Disable AWE (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
// Setting this to 1 will disable AWE with a few exceptions:
// 1. Some minor modifications to the grenades. (take damage)
// 2. Some cvars that start with scr_. For example the tank capture time.
set awe_disable "0"

// Show bomb timer in Search & Destroy (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
set awe_show_sd_timer "1"

// Number of random HQ radios to spawn for maps that normally do not support HQ (default cool
//set awe_hq_spawn_radios "8"

// Force adding of new radios even if stock ones exists (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_hq_force_new_radios "0"

// Show AWE logo under healthbar (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
set awe_show_logo "0"

// Show number of alive players in each team (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = alternate setting) (default 0)
set awe_show_team_status "1"

// Automaticly try to fix errors in maprotation (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
// After this has been done the cvar will be set to "0" so that it will only run when you start the server
// or reload your config file.
//set awe_fix_maprotation "0"

// Use random map rotation (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
// See the readme file for an explanation how this works.
set awe_random_maprotation "1"

// Rotate map if server is empty for x minutes (0 = disable feature) (default 30)
//set awe_rotate_if_empty "30"

// Show blip on hud when you hit another player (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
//set awe_showhit "0"

// Show bulletholes on hud (0 = no, 1 = only on headshots, 2 = always) (default 0)
set awe_bulletholes "1"

// Warmup round in roundbased gametypes (to allow players to connect) (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
//set awe_warmup_round "0"

// Disable minefields? (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_disable_minefields "0"

// Limit bases in Base Assault (0 = no, 1 = one base for each team, 2 = two bases for each team) (default 0)
//set awe_limit_bases "0"

// Player speed in percent of default speed (default 100)
//set awe_player_speed "100"

// Gravity in percent of the default gravity (default 100)
//set awe_gravity "100"

// Enable first aid kits (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_firstaid "0"

// Number of first aid kits to give to each player (default 1)
//set awe_firstaid_kits "1"

// Amount of health that can be recovered with a first aid kit (default 25)
// A random value of 0 to 14 will be added to this value
//set awe_firstaid_health "25"

// Delay in seconds between being able to use the next first aid kit (default 10)
//set awe_firstaid_delay "10"

// Score to give to a player for succesfully patching up a teammate (default 1)
//set awe_firstaid_score "1"

// Drop health on death (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1) (not for UO)
// I've commented this out since it uses the same cvar as the built in cvar in UO.
//set scr_drophealth "1"

// Fix map exploits in some UO maps (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_fix_map_exploits "1"

// Gametype pretending //
// This cvar is usable if you want to pretend that one custom gametype is another
// Useful if you run custom gametypes but find that people have problems finding
// your server in the browser list.
//Examples of gametype pretending...
//set awe_pretend_gametype_actf "ctf"
//set awe_pretend_gametype_htf "ctf"
//set awe_pretend_gametype_rsd "sd"
//set awe_pretend_gametype_dem "sd"
//set awe_pretend_gametype_ad "dom"
//set awe_pretend_gametype_lts "tdm"

// Damage blocking //
// The following cvars are used to prevent abuse cause by players throwing grenades or satchels among their
// teammates and then switch to spectator or to the other team to avoid being punished for teamkilling

// Block damage caused by spectators (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_block_damage_spectator "1"

// Block damage caused by someone who switched teams within the last seconds (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_block_damage_team_switch "1"

// Shellshock //

// Shellshock (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1) (not for UO)
// I've commented this out since it uses the same cvar as the built in cvar in UO.
//set scr_shellshock "1"

// Deathshock (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_deathshock "0"

// Next map voting //

// Vote for the next map from 5 random candidates (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
// NOTE! Enabling this will disable random maprotation and the next map/gametype messages
//set awe_map_vote "0"

// Timout for voting in seconds (min 10, max 180) (default 30)
//set awe_map_vote_time "30"

// Make last alternative an option to replay the same map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_map_vote_replay "0"

// Server/Clan logo //

// !!IMPORTANT!! For advanced users only, follow those steps to change the text displayed
// 1. Rename the mod filename by addin an unique extension.
// For example rename z_awe_svr_customlogo.pk3 to z_awe_svr_myclanlogo.pk3
// (Without this step players with local AWE installations may not be able to connect to your server.)
// 2. Open your renamed .pk3 file with WinRAR (or WinZip)
// 3. Open /server_logo/_awe_server_logo.gsc with your favourite text editor.
// 4. Change the text between the quotationmarks
// 5. Save your changes
// 6. Use your renamed version of z_awe_svr_customlogo.pk3 _INSTEAD_ of the original version.
// 7. Also change the cvar below to "1"

// Show server/clan logo 0 = off, 1 = under compass, 2 = centered) (default 0)
//set awe_show_server_logo "0"

// Obituarys //

// Show obituarys? (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = extended) (default 1)
//set awe_obituary "1"

// Show large death obituarys for the killed player? (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_obituary_death "1"

// Vsay functions //

// Enable functions by binding keys to vsay commands
// Example bind x "vsay AWE DW" will allow weapons drops with the x button

// Enable weapon drop with "vsay AWE DW" (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_vsay_drop_weapon "1"

// Enable health drop with "vsay AWE DH" (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_vsay_drop_health "0"

// Unknown Soldier handling //

// Make them reflect friendlyfire (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
// (This will stay effective until the next map even if they change their name.)
//set awe_unknown_reflect "1"

// Rename them automaticly (examples below)
// Player will get one of those names + a random number between 0 and 999.
// (They will still be threated like unknowns by the methods below and the friendlyfire reflect above.)
set awe_unknown_name0 "NooB Nr.1"
//set awe_unknown_name1 "Brad Pitt is sooo cute."

// Override message to display to renamed players, set it to "none" to disable the message completely
// set awe_unknown_rename_msg "none"

// Use a method to pester them (default 0)
// (Changing their name will stop this)
// 0 = do nothing
// 1 = make them drop their weapon
// 2 = force to prone and drop weapon
// 3 = keep them in shellshock
//set awe_unknown_method "0"

// UO Sprinting //

// UO sprinting (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = unlimited, 3 = override defaults) (default 1)
//set awe_uo_sprint "1"

// The cvars below is only used if awe_uo_sprint is set to "3"

// UO sprint time in percent of original time (default 100)
//set awe_uo_sprint_time "100"

// UO sprint recover time in percent of original time (default 100)
//set awe_uo_sprint_recover_time "100"

// UO sprint speed in percent of original time (default 100)
//set awe_uo_sprint_speed "100"

// AWE Sprinting //
// (activated with the USE button) //

// Enable AWE sprinting (0 = off, 1 = while standing, 2 = stand and crouch, 3 = stand, crouch and prone) (default 0)
// NOTE! Enabling this in UO will disable the built in UO sprinting.
//set awe_sprint "0"

// Enable hud (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = alternate mode(reuses a commonly used shader)) (default 1)
//set awe_sprint_hud "1"

// Enable hud hint (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
//set awe_sprint_hud_hint "1"

// Sprint speed increase in percent (default 60)
//set awe_sprint_speed "60"

// Max sprint time in seconds (default 3)
//set awe_sprint_time "3"

// Max recover time in seconds (default 2)
// Total recover time for a full recover will be this time + the maximum sprint time
//set awe_sprint_recover_time "2"

// Dead body handling //

// Disable bodies (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = play smoke fx) (default 0)
//set awe_no_bodies "0"

// Burning bodies for players killed by flamethrower (0 = no, any number = time to burn in seconds) (default 5)
set awe_burning_bodies "5"

// Searchable bodies (0 = no, any number = time to search in seconds) (default 1)
// NOTE! A random delay of 0 to 1 second will be added to the time above.
//set awe_searchable_bodies "1"

// Allow healthpacks to be found (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_searchable_bodies_health "1"

// Laserdot //

// Laserdot transparency (0 = disabled, 1 = solid) (default 0)
//set awe_laserdot "0"

// Size of dot (default 2)
//set awe_laserdot_size "2"

// Color (default 1,0,0)
//set awe_laserdot_red "1"
//set awe_laserdot_green "0"
//set awe_laserdot_blue "0"

// Welcome messages //

// Delay (in seconds) between welcome messages (default "1")
//set awe_welcome_delay "1"

// Welcome messages that are displayed to new players
set awe_welcome0 "^7Welcome to ^1DEADLY AVALANCHE!"
set awe_welcome1 "^7have fun"

// Server messages //

// Delay between server messages in seconds (default 30)
set awe_message_delay "160"

// Show next map and/or gametype as first message (0 = no, 1 = only map, 2 = lite, 3 = normal, 4 = extra) (default 2)
//set awe_message_next_map "2"

// Loop messages (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_message_loop "1"

// Show messages for each player, idealy use this when message looping is turned off (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_message_individual "0"

// Server messages
// There is no limit, the message system will start over
// automaticly when the last message has been displayed.
set awe_message0 "^7Willkommen bei ^1DEADLY AVALANCHE ^7besuch uns auf www.^1deadlyavalanche^"
//set awe_message1 "^3Tripwires can be placed by going prone with at least two grenades."

// Team overriding //

// Override allied team ("random", "american", "british", "russian") (default "")
// Will not have any effect on most of the UO maps since they are not comptible with this feature.
//set awe_team_allies ""

// Swap teams for each round in roundbased gametypes (0 = do not swap, 1 = swap) (default 0)
//set awe_team_swap "0"

// Rain/Snow //
// Rain/Snow will only show for players with the clientside mod installed
// Rain will only work on non winter maps and snow will only work on winter maps

// Chance in percent that there will be rain (default 0)
set awe_rain "50"

// Chance in percent that there will be snow (default 0)
set awe_snow "100"

// Cold breath effect in winter maps (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_cold_breath "1"

// Fog overriding //
// Those settings should be always be tuned for each map.
// See fog.cfg for some examples.
// Only use cfog OR efog, NEVER use both for a map.

// String containing CullFog information (default "none")
// set awe_cfog "none"
// cfog is used like this
// set awe_cfog "A B C D E F"
// A = chance in percent for fog to be overridden
// B = Fog distance
// C = Fog distance2, if set to anything but 0, the fog will fade between distance and distance2
// D = Fog color, red intensity (min 0, max 1)
// E = Fog color, green intensity (min 0, max 1)
// F = Fog color, blue intensity (min 0, max 1)

// String containing ExpFog information (default "none")
// set awe_efog "none"
// efog is used like this
// set awe_efog "A B C D E F"
// A = chance in percent for fog to be overridden
// B = Fog density
// C = Fog density2, if set to anything but 0, the fog will fade between density and density2
// D = Fog color, red intensity (min 0, max 1)
// E = Fog color, green intensity (min 0, max 1)
// F = Fog color, blue intensity (min 0, max 1)

// Painscreen, bloodyscreen and helmet popping (not for Merciless) //

// Show painscreen (0 = off, other value = intensity in percent) (default 0)
set awe_painscreen "0"

// Show blood splatter on screen (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 0)
set awe_bloodyscreen "1"

// Pop helmets (0 = off, other value = chance in percent that helmet will pop) (default 50)
set awe_pophelmet "70"

// Pop heads (0 = off, other value = chance in percent that head will pop) (default 0)
set awe_pophead "50"

// The following cvars controls which things trigger the pophead code (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
//set awe_pophead_bullet "1" // rifles, snipers and turrets
//set awe_pophead_melee "1" // Melee
//set awe_pophead_explosion "1" // Explosions

// Taunts (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled) (default 0)
set awe_taunts "1"

// Painsounds (not for Merciless) //

// 0 = no painsounds, 1 = painsounds (default 1)
set awe_painsound "1"

// Realism options //

// Bleeding (not for MC) (0 = no, 1 to 100 = points to bleed) (default 0)
// Picking up a healthpack will stop bleeding
set awe_bleeding "0"

// Drop weapon on hand or gun hit (not for MC) (chance in percent 0-100) (default 0)
set awe_droponhandhit "90"

// Drop weapon on arm hit (not for MC) (chance in percent 0-100) (default 0)
//set awe_droponarmhit "0"

// Weapon drop on death? (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = drop all weapons) (default 1)
//set awe_dropondeath "1"

// Trip on leg hit (chance in percent 0-100) (default 0)
//set awe_triponleghit "0"

// Trip on foot hit (chance in percent 0-100) (default 0)
//set awe_triponfoothit "0"

// Disable crosshair (0 = don't disable, 1 = disable, 2 = enable) (default 0)
//set awe_no_crosshair "0"

// MG42 options //

// Disable all MG42s in the map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_mg42_disable "0"

// Spawn extra MG42s at random spawnpoints (0 = no) (default 0)
// Set to the number of extra MG42s you want.
//set awe_mg42_spawn_extra "0"

// PTRS41 options //

// Disable all PTRS41s in the map (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_ptrs41_disable "0"

// Spawn extra PTRS41s at random spawnpoints (0 = no) (default 0)
// Set to the number of extra PTRS41s you want.
//set awe_ptrs41_spawn_extra "0"

// Tripwire //

// Enable tripwires (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = don't count teamkills, 3 = don't trigger on teammates) (default 0)
set awe_tripwire "2"

// Tripwire for each team (in DM this number will be doubled) (default 5)
//set awe_tripwire_limit "5"

// Display warning for teammates (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_tripwire_warning "1"

// Time needed to place a tripwire (default 3)
set awe_tripwire_plant_time "3"

// Time needed to pickup/defuse a tripwire (default 5)
//set awe_tripwire_pick_time "5"

// Remote detonable satchels //

// Enable remote detonable satchels(0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
set awe_satchel "1"

// Remote detonable limit for each team (in DM this number will be doubled) (default 5)
//set awe_satchel_limit "5"

// Time needed to place a satchel (default 3)
set awe_satchel_plant_time "3"

// Time needed to pickup/defuse a tripwire (default 5)
//set awe_satchel_pick_time "5"

// Turret options (MG42s & PTRS41s) //

// Enable mobile turrets (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
// !!!ATTENTION!!! This is a great feature but it can cause client crashes with a PunkBuster violation as a result.
// It's likely more stable on LAN games.
// If players are disconnected with PB violation errors like "Losing Key Packets", try disable the mobile turrets.
//set awe_turret_mobile "0"

// Disallow primary weapons while carrying an turret (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_turret_penalty "1"

// Recover turrets if player is killed in a minefield (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_turret_recover "1"

// Time needed to place a turret (default 2)
//set awe_turret_plant_time "2"

// Time needed to pickup a turret (default 1)
//set awe_turret_pick_time "1"

// Turret spawning at fixed positions //
// This one needs a little work from the serveradmin.
// Start a map with awe_debug set to 1.
// Make sure you spawn a bunch extra MG42s.
// When you place a turret in position that you wish to use,
// use it and write down the values that appear.
// Use those values in your config as showed in the examples below.

// Example that adds two MG42s to mp_depot
// set awe_turret_x0_mp_depot "112"
// set awe_turret_y0_mp_depot "461"
// set awe_turret_z0_mp_depot "102"
// set awe_turret_a0_mp_depot "138"
// set awe_turret_w0_mp_depot "mg42_bipod_duck_mp"
// set awe_turret_x1_mp_depot "-417"
// set awe_turret_y1_mp_depot "1922"
// set awe_turret_z1_mp_depot "147"
// set awe_turret_a1_mp_depot "-90"
// set awe_turret_w1_mp_depot "mg42_bipod_prone_mp"

// Spawn protection //

// Number of seconds that a spawned player is protected (0 = off) (default 0)
set awe_spawn_protection "5"

// The allow range to move before spawn protection is turned off. (default 50)
//set awe_spawn_protection_range "50"

// Hud element indicating protection (0 = off, 1 = small, 2 = LARGE) (default 1)
//set awe_spawn_protection_hud "1"

// Headicon indicating protection (0 = off, 1 = on) (default 1)
//set awe_spawn_protection_headicon "1"

// Drop weapon if shooting someone while spawnprotected (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_spawn_protection_dropweapon "0"

// Disable weapon while spawnprotected (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_spawn_protection_disableweapon "0"

// Parachuting //

// Parachute players (0 = disabled, 1 = once for each round/match, 2 = always) (default 0)
set awe_parachutes "0"

// Only attackers parachute (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
set awe_parachutes_only_attackers "0"

// Protect parachuters from damage? (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
// Setting this to 0 also leaves the weapons enabled while parachuting.
//set awe_parachutes_protection "1"

// Limit altitude (0 = no limit) (default 1700)
// Some maps like mp_ship have a really high sky and not using a limit could mean
// parachuting for 30 seconds or more before landing.
//set awe_parachutes_limit_altitude "1700"

// Customized settings for gametypes (examples)
//set awe_parachutes_hq "2" // Always parachute in HQ
//set awe_parachutes_mc_hq "2" // Always parachute in HQ (Merciless)
//set awe_parachutes_only_attackers_hq "0" // Both teams parachute
//set awe_parachutes_only_attackers_mc_hq "0" // Both teams parachute (Merciless)

//set awe_parachutes_only_attackers_dm "0" // Both "teams" parachute in DM
//set awe_parachutes_only_attackers_mc_dm "0" // Both "teams" parachute in DM (Merciless)

Weiter awe.cfg


// Tracers and skyflashes //

// Number of ambient tracers (0=off) (default 0)
//set awe_tracers "0"
//set awe_tracers_delay_min "5"
//set awe_tracers_delay_max "15"

// Number of ambient skyflashes (0=off) (default 5)
//set awe_skyflashes "5"
//set awe_skyflashes_delay_min "5"
//set awe_skyflashes_delay_max "15"

// Ammo limiting //

// Unlimited ammo (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = yes + unlimited clip) (default 0)
//set awe_unlimited_ammo "0"

// Unlimited grenades (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_unlimited_grenades "0"

// Unlimited smoke grenades (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_unlimited_smokegrenades "0"

// Minimum ammo in percent of max ammo for weapon (default 100)
//set awe_ammo_min "100"

// Maximum ammo in precent of max ammo for weapon (default 100)
//set awe_ammo_max "100"

// For example, if a certain weapon have a max ammo of 360, this setup will give
// the player a randomized ammo of 180(50%) to 270(75%)
// It will be applied for all weapons except grenades and panzerfausts.
//set awe_ammo_min "50"
//set awe_ammo_max "75"

// Weapon options //
// This variables allow you to force specific weapons regardless of what the player choosed in the weapon menu
// By default this cvars are set to be empty which means it will not force weapons.
// If you set a variable to "none", that weapon slot will be disabled.
// For example:
// set awe_grenade_type "none"
// will make all players spawn without grenades.
// You can override this settings for each team.
// For example:
// set awe_secondary_weapon "panzerfaust_mp"
// set awe_secondary_weapon_russian "fg42_mp"
// will give all teams a Panzerfaust as secondary weapon except the russian team which will get a FG42.
// Example 2:
// set awe_secondary_weapon_american "bar_mp"
// set awe_secondary_weapon_british "bren_mp"
// set awe_secondary_weapon_german "mp44_mp"
// set awe_secondary_weapon_russian "fg42_mp"

//set awe_primary_weapon "" // Valid values:
//set awe_secondary_weapon "" // "m1carbine_mp" "m1garand_mp" "thompson_mp" "bar_mp" "mg30Cal_mp"
// "enfield_mp" "sten_mp" "bren_mp" "springfield_mp" "sten_silenced_mp"
// "mosin_nagant_mp" "ppsh_mp" "mosin_nagant_sniper_mp" "svt40_mp" "dp28_mp"
// "kar98k_mp" "mp40_mp" "mp44_mp" "kar98k_sniper_mp" "gewehr43_mp" "mg34_mp"
// "fg42_mp" "panzerfaust_mp" "bazooka_mp" "flamethrower_mp" "panzerschreck_mp"
// "none"
// awe_secondary_weapon also takes the following options:
// "select" - Select the secondary weapon from the menu
// "selectother" - Select the secondary weapon from the other teams menu
// "disable" - Disable the secondary weapon slot
// "random" - Choose a random weapon
// "randomother" - Choose a random weapon from the other team

//set awe_pistol_type "" // Valid values
// "colt_mp" "luger_mp" "tt33_mp" "webley_mp"
// "none"

//set awe_grenade_type "" // Valid values
// "fraggrenade_mp" "mk1britishfrag_mp"
// "rgd-33russianfrag_mp" "stielhandgranate_mp"
// "none"

// Normally in roundbased gametypes you can pickup a secondary weapon and if you're alive when the round ends
// you will keep that weapon. If you want to awe_secondary_weapon to force/disable a weapon in that situation,
// you'll have to set this variable to 0.
// (0 = don't keep, 1 = keep picked up weapon) (default 1)
// Note! To disable the keeping of a secondary weapon you also have to set awe_secondary_weapon to "none"
//set awe_secondary_weapon_keepold "1"

//set awe_smokegrenade_type "" // Valid values
// "smokegrenade_mp" "flashgrenade_mp"
// "none"

// Allow Silenced Sten as a selectable weapon for the british team (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set scr_allow_sten_silenced "1"

// Allow FG42s as a selectable weapon for the allies (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set scr_allow_fg42_allies "0"

// Allow FG42s as a selectable weapon for the axis (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set scr_allow_fg42_axis "0"

// Make Bazookas, Panzerschrecks and Flamethrowers selectable from weapon menu (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
// (Requires clientside mod on the clients)
//set scr_allow_ft_allies "0"
//set scr_allow_rl_allies "0"
//set scr_allow_ft_axis "0"
//set scr_allow_rl_axis "0"

// Weapon limiting //

// Sets the maximum number of weapons for each type and team (0 = no limit) (default 0)
// A weapon that has reached the limit will automaticly be removed if dropped.
// !!IMPORTANT!! Do NOT use weapon limiting if you run Behind Enemy Lines(bel/mc_bel).
//set awe_rifle_limit "0"
//set awe_boltrifle_limit "0"
//set awe_semirifle_limit "0"
//set awe_smg_limit "0"
//set awe_assault_limit "0"
//set awe_sniper_limit "0"
//set awe_lmg_limit "0"
//set awe_ft_limit "0"
//set awe_rl_limit "0"
//set awe_fg42_limit "0"

// !! NOTE !! Enabling limiting of bolt and/or semi rifle will disable the rifle limit

// Rifles: M1 Carbine, M1 Garand, Nagant, SVT40, Kar98k, Gewehr43, Enfield
// Bolt Rifles: M1 Carbine, Nagant, Kar98k, Enfield
// Semi Rifles: M1 Garand, SVT40, Gewehr43
// SMG: Thomson, Sten, Sten Silenced, PPSh, MP40
// Assault: Bar, Bren, MP44
// Snipers: Springfield, Scoped Nagant, Scoped Kar98k
// LMG: MG34, DP28, 30Cal
// FT: Flamethrower
// RL: Rocket Launchers (Bazooka & Panzerschreck)
// FG42: FG42

// Grenade settings //

// Override the default number of grenades (0 = don't override, other value = number of grenades) (default 0)
set awe_grenade_count "4"

// Randomize number of grenades (0 = no, 1 = minimum 1 grenade, 2 = minimum 0 grenades) (default 0)
// If awe_grenade_count is used it will use that as the max number, otherwise it will
// use the weaponbased grenade count as max number of grenades.
//set awe_grenade_count_random "0"

// Chance in percent that a warning will be shouted when a grenade is thrown (default 100)
set awe_grenade_warning "50"

// A grenade warning will only be shouted if a team mate is within this range (default 500)
//set awe_grenade_warning_range "500"

// Override the default number of smoke grenades (0 = don't override, other value = number of grenades) (default 0)
//set awe_smokegrenade_count "2"

// Randomize number of smoke grenades (0 = no, 1 = minimum 1 grenade, 2 = minimum 0 grenades) (default 0)
// If awe_smokegrenade_count is used it will use that as the max number, otherwise it will
// use the weaponbased grenade count as max number of grenades.
//set awe_smokegrenade_count_random "0"

// Override the default number of satchel charges (0 = don't override, 1 = spawn with one satchel charge) (default 0)
set awe_satchel_count "1"

// Sticky nades and satchels (Attachable with melee button) (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = yes and also attachable to players) (default 0)
set awe_sticky_nades "2"

// Fuse time for sticky grenades (default 4)
set awe_sticky_nades_grenade_fuse "4"

// Fuse time for sticky satchels (default 6)
set awe_sticky_nades_satchel_fuse "6"

// Show cooking progress bar (Not for UO) (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_show_cooking "1"

// Mortars //

// enable ambient mortars. 0 = off, 1 to 10 = number of mortars to use (default 3)
set awe_mortar "0"

// Use random mortars instead of player tracking (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_mortar_random "0"

// Use earthquake near mortar explosion (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_mortar_quake "1"

// prevent the mortars from hitting players. (0 = deadly, 1 = safe) (default 1)
//set awe_mortar_safety "1"

// minimum delay between a mortar's firing cycle (seconds) (default 20)
//set awe_mortar_delay_min "20"

// maximum delay between a mortar's firing cycle (seconds) (default 60)
// the actual delay is a random value between _min and _max,
// and is independant for each mortar.
// i.e. with _min = 20, _max = 60, each mortar will wait randomly
// from 20 to 60 seconds between firing rounds.
//set awe_mortar_delay_max "60"

// Anti Teamkilling (on by default, but only reflect) //

// Maximal allowed teamkills (0 = turns function off) (default 3)
set awe_teamkill_max "3"

// Number of teamkills before recieving a warning. (default 1)
set awe_teamkill_warn "1"

// Punishment method for teamkillers (default 0)
// 0 = disabled
// 1 = Use random punishment
// 2 = kill
// 3 = blow up
// 4 = drop weapon, force to prone and shellshock for 15 seconds
set awe_teamkill_method "3"

// Reflect damage after reaching max teamkills (0=no, 1=yes) (default 1)
//set awe_teamkill_reflect "1"

// Message to display to a player reaching max teamkills.
// set awe_teamkill_msg

// Anti Teamdamage (off by default) //

// Maximal allowed teamdamage (0 = turns function off) (default 0)
//set awe_teamdamage_max "0"

// Team damage before starting to warn. (default 0)
//set awe_teamdamage_warn "0"

// Punishment method for teamdamagers (default 0)
// 0 = disabled
// 1 = Use random punishment
// 2 = kill
// 3 = blow up
// 4 = drop weapon, force to prone and shellshock for 15 seconds
//set awe_teamdamage_method "0"

// Reflect damage after reaching max teamdamage (0=no, 1=yes) (default 1)
//set awe_teamdamage_reflect "1"

// Message to display to a player reaching max teamdamage.
// set awe_teamdamage_msg

// Anti camping (off by default) //
// Maxmal allowed camping time in seconds. (0 = turns function off) (default 0)
set awe_anticamp_time "0"

// Time that the player will be marked for camping in seconds. (default 90)
// Settings this to 0 makes the mark stay until killed.
//set awe_anticamp_marktime "90"

// Punishment method for campers (default 0)
// 0 = mark on compass
// 1 = Use random punishment
// 2 = kill
// 3 = blow
// 4 = drop weapon, force to prone and shellshock for 15 seconds
//set awe_anticamp_method "0"

// Interval in seconds between random messing with camper (0 = turns function off) (default 0)
// Randomizes between tripping, 5 seconds shellshock and painsound.
//set awe_anticamp_fun "0"

// Message to display to a player that survived while being marked.
// set awe_anticamp_msg_survived

// Message to display to a player that died while being marked.
// set awe_anticamp_msg_died

// Stukas //

// Number of stukas (0 = turned off) (default 0)
// (Actual number is awe_stukas + 0 to 2 extra (randomized))
set awe_stukas "1"

// Percent chance that a stuka will crash (default 20)
set awe_stukas_crash "0"

// Make stuka crashes safe for players (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set awe_stukas_crash_safety "0"

// Earthquake on stuka crash (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 1)
//set awe_stukas_crash_quake "1"

// Time in seconds that a crashed stuka will stay (default 30)
//set awe_stukas_crash_stay "30"

// Delay between stukas (default 500)
set awe_stukas_delay "105"

// Map specific examples
//set awe_stukas_mp_brecourt "3"
//set awe_stukas_mp_carentan "2"

// C47 planes //

// 0 = no C47 planes, 1 = C47 planes flying by (default 0)
set awe_bombers "1"

// delay between each squadron of C47 planes (default 300 seconds)
//set awe_bombers_delay "240"
//set awe_bombers_delay_sd "90" // Need to set this lower or the planes will never show in SD.

// The following variables can be used to override the calculated position of where the C47 planes spawn.
// awe_bombers_altitude // altitude for bombers (Z)
// awe_bombers_distance // distance for bombers (Y)

// For the stock maps it works fine with the altitude position except in mp_dawnville where the
// planes, parachutes and skyflashes get an altitude around 700 where they should get 1500.
// I recommend overriding the altitude for mp_dawnville by adding this to your config file:
set awe_bombers_altitude_mp_dawnville "1500"

// Same goes for the distance of the planes. If the planes can't be seen the effect will not be played,
// so for some maps it's recommended to override the default starting distance.
set awe_bombers_distance_mp_brecourt "-9000"
set awe_bombers_distance_mp_pavlov "4000"
set awe_bombers_distance_mp_ship "-7000"

// Override ranking system //

// Points recieved for achiving goals
//set awe_br_points_objective "5" // Achieving an objective
//set awe_br_points_teamcap "1" // How many points to the team
//set awe_br_points_cap "2" // Capping a flag
//set awe_br_points_assist "1" // Assisting a cap
//set awe_br_points_defense "2" // Killing enemy in flag zone
//set awe_br_points_kill "1" // Getting a kill
//set awe_br_points_teamkill "-3" // Killing someone on your own team
//set awe_br_points_suicide "-1" // Killing yourself
//set awe_br_points_dying "0" // Getting killed
//set awe_br_points_reversal "0" // Other team taking a flag

// Points need to reach each rank
//set awe_br1 "10"
//set awe_br2 "20"
//set awe_br3 "30"
//set awe_br4 "40"

// Ammo load outs for rank 0
//set awe_br0_gunclips "4"
//set awe_br0_pistolclips "2"
//set awe_br0_grenades "1"
//set awe_br0_smokegrenades "1"
//set awe_br0_satchelcharge "0"

// Ammo load outs for rank 1
//set awe_br1_gunclips "4"
//set awe_br1_pistolclips "3"
//set awe_br1_grenades "2"
//set awe_br1_smokegrenades "1"
//set awe_br1_satchelcharge "0"

// Ammo load outs for rank 2
//set awe_br2_gunclips "5"
//set awe_br2_pistolclips "3"
//set awe_br2_grenades "2"
//set awe_br2_smokegrenades "2"
//set awe_br2_satchelcharge "0"

// Ammo load outs for rank 3
//set awe_br3_gunclips "5"
//set awe_br3_pistolclips "4"
//set awe_br3_grenades "2"
//set awe_br3_smokegrenades "2"
//set awe_br3_satchelcharge "1"

// Ammo load outs for rank 4
//set awe_br4_gunclips "6"
//set awe_br4_pistolclips "4"
//set awe_br4_grenades "3"
//set awe_br4_smokegrenades "2"
//set awe_br4_satchelcharge "1"

// Base health //

//set scr_bas_basehealth "xxxxx" // 700 * ? (how many shells to destroy bunker)
//default is 24500 (35 hits)

//set scr_bas_basehealth "10500" // would require 15 hits ..
//set scr_bas_basehealth "14000" // would require 20 hits ..

// Jeep/Tank respawning //

// Jeep respawning time in seconds(default 5)
//set scr_jeep_respawn_wait "5"

// Tank respawning time in seconds(default 10)
//set scr_tank_respawn_wait "10"

// Time to capture enemy tanks (milliseconds) (default 15000)
//set scr_tank_capture_time "15000"

// Damage modifiers //
// NOTE1: Grenades have increased damage by default as always in AWE but can be restored to stock damage by setting the dmgmod cvar to 100.
// NOTE2: Flamethrowers damage cannot be reduced much but they can be made a little weaker by setting the dmgmod to 50% or lower.
// : And estimate would be that it reduces the flamethrowers to somewhere around 50-75% of the stock damage.
// : To make the flamethrower weaker than that you can use the awe_flamethrower_hitrate cvar (se below).

// American
//set awe_dmgmod_m1carbine_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_m1garand_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_thompson_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_bar_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_springfield_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_fraggrenade_mp "183" // Default in AWE is 183%
//set awe_dmgmod_colt_mp "100"
// American United Offensive
//set awe_dmgmod_mg30Cal_mp "100"

// British
//set awe_dmgmod_enfield_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_sten_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_bren_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_mk1britishfrag_mp "183" // Default in AWE is 183%
// British United Offensive
//set awe_dmgmod_webley_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_sten_silenced_mp "100"

// German
//set awe_dmgmod_kar98k_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_mp40_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_mp44_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_kar98k_sniper_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_stielhandgranate_mp "183" // Default in AWE is 183%
//set awe_dmgmod_luger_mp "100"
// German United Offensive
//set awe_dmgmod_gewehr43_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_mg34_mp "100"

// Russian
//set awe_dmgmod_mosin_nagant_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_ppsh_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_mosin_nagant_sniper_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_rgd-33russianfrag_mp "183" // Default in AWE is 183%
// Russian United Offensive
//set awe_dmgmod_tt33_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_svt40_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_dp28_mp "100"

// "Common" weapons
//set awe_dmgmod_fg42_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_panzerfaust_mp "100"
// "Common" weapons United Offensive
//set awe_dmgmod_flamethrower_mp "50" // Default in AWE is 50%
//set awe_dmgmod_bazooka_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_panzerschreck_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_satchelcharge_mp "100"

// Turrets and tanks
//set awe_dmgmod_mg42_bipod_duck_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_mg42_bipod_prone_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_mg42_bipod_stand_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_PTRS41_Antitank_Rifle_mp "100"
// United Offensive
//set awe_dmgmod_30cal_tank_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_50cal_tank_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_elefant_turret_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_mg34_tank_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_mg42_tank_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_PanzerIV_turret_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_sg43_tank_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_sherman_turret_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_su152_turret_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_flak88_turret_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_mg42_turret_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_mg50cal_tripod_stand_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_mg_sg43_stand_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_sg43_turret_mp "100"
//set awe_dmgmod_t34_turret_mp "100"

// Flamethrower hitrate, used to set the chance i percent that a flamethrower damage will occur (default 100)
// Setting it to "50" should roughly remove 50% of the damage done by flamethrowers.
//set awe_flamethrower_hitrate "100"

Das sind die Einstellungen für die Waffenauswahl:


// Weapon options //
// This variables allow you to force specific weapons regardless of what the player choosed in the weapon menu
// By default this cvars are set to be empty which means it will not force weapons.
// If you set a variable to "none", that weapon slot will be disabled.
// For example:
// set awe_grenade_type "none"
// will make all players spawn without grenades.
// You can override this settings for each team.
// For example:
// set awe_secondary_weapon "panzerfaust_mp"
// set awe_secondary_weapon_russian "fg42_mp"
// will give all teams a Panzerfaust as secondary weapon except the russian team which will get a FG42.
// Example 2:
// set awe_secondary_weapon_american "bar_mp"
// set awe_secondary_weapon_british "bren_mp"
// set awe_secondary_weapon_german "mp44_mp"
// set awe_secondary_weapon_russian "fg42_mp"

//set awe_primary_weapon "" // Valid values:
//set awe_secondary_weapon "" // "m1carbine_mp" "m1garand_mp" "thompson_mp" "bar_mp" "mg30Cal_mp"
// "enfield_mp" "sten_mp" "bren_mp" "springfield_mp" "sten_silenced_mp"
// "mosin_nagant_mp" "ppsh_mp" "mosin_nagant_sniper_mp" "svt40_mp" "dp28_mp"
// "kar98k_mp" "mp40_mp" "mp44_mp" "kar98k_sniper_mp" "gewehr43_mp" "mg34_mp"
// "fg42_mp" "panzerfaust_mp" "bazooka_mp" "flamethrower_mp" "panzerschreck_mp"
// "none"
// awe_secondary_weapon also takes the following options:
// "select" - Select the secondary weapon from the menu
// "selectother" - Select the secondary weapon from the other teams menu
// "disable" - Disable the secondary weapon slot
// "random" - Choose a random weapon
// "randomother" - Choose a random weapon from the other team

//set awe_pistol_type "" // Valid values
// "colt_mp" "luger_mp" "tt33_mp" "webley_mp"
// "none"

//set awe_grenade_type "" // Valid values
// "fraggrenade_mp" "mk1britishfrag_mp"
// "rgd-33russianfrag_mp" "stielhandgranate_mp"
// "none"


Der Einfachheit halber mal auf Deutsch:



//Diese Variable erlaubt es, bestimmte Waffen zu erzwingen, egal welche sich die Spieler im Auswahl-Menü aussuchen
//Standardmäßig ist diese Einstellung leer, was bedeutet, daß keine Waffen erzwungen werden.
//Wenn man diese Variable auf "none" setzt, bedeutet daß die Deaktivierung dieser Waffe.
//Zum Beispiel:
//set awe_grenade_type "none"
//sorgt dafür, daß Spieler ohne Granaten einsteigen
//Man kann diese Einstellung für jedes Team setzen
//Zum Beispiel:
//set awe_secondary_weapon "panzerfaust_mp"
//set awe_secondary_weapon_russian "fg42_mp
//Alle Teams bekommen die Panzerfaust als Zweit-Waffe, außer die Russen, die bekommen das FG42
//Beispiel 2:
//set awe_secondary_weapon_american "bar_mp"
//set awe_secondary_weapon_british "bren_mp"
//set awe_secondary_weapon_german "mp44_mp"
//set awe_secondary_weapon_russian "fg42_mp"
//Primäre / Sekundäre Waffe festlegen
//set awe_primary_weapon ""
//set awe_secondary_weapon ""
//Mögliche Werte:
//"m1carbine_mp" "m1garand_mp" "thompson_mp" "bar_mp" "mg30Cal_mp"
//"enfield_mp" "sten_mp" "bren_mp" "springfield_mp" "sten_silenced_mp"
//"mosin_nagant_mp" "ppsh_mp" "mosin_nagant_sniper_mp" "svt40_mp" "dp28_mp"
//"kar98k_mp" "mp40_mp" "mp44_mp" "kar98k_sniper_mp" "gewehr43_mp" "mg34_mp"
//"fg42_mp" "panzerfaust_mp" "bazooka_mp" "flamethrower_mp" "panzerschreck_mp"
//awe_secondary_weapon hat außerdem folgende Optionen:
//"select" - Auswahl der zweiten Waffe im Menü
//"selectother" - Auswahl der zweiten Waffe aus dem anderen Team-Menü
//"disable" - Deaktiviert die Zweit-Waffe
//"random" - Zufällige Auswahl der Zweit-Waffe
//"randomother" - Zufällige Zweit-Waffe aus dem anderen Team

//Pistolen festlegen
//Mögliche Werte:
//"colt_mp" "luger_mp" "tt33_mp" "webley_mp"
//set awe_pistol_type ""

//Granaten festlegen
//Mögliche Werte:
//"fraggrenade_mp" "mk1britishfrag_mp"
//"rgd-33russianfrag_mp" "stielhandgranate_mp"
//set awe_grenade_type ""


Um Einstellungen an der Auswahl der Zweiten Waffe zu ändern musst Du das hier

//Primäre / Sekundäre Waffe festlegen
//set awe_primary_weapon ""
//set awe_secondary_weapon ""

"freischalten" und anpassen (also die // davor entfernen und Deine gewünschte Einstellung eintragen!):

//Primäre / Sekundäre Waffe festlegen
//set awe_primary_weapon ""
set awe_secondary_weapon "XXX"

Die XXX ersetzt Du gegen einen dieser Werte:
//awe_secondary_weapon hat außerdem folgende Optionen:
//"select" - Auswahl der zweiten Waffe im Menü
//"selectother" - Auswahl der zweiten Waffe aus dem anderen Team-Menü
//"disable" - Deaktiviert die Zweit-Waffe
//"random" - Zufällige Auswahl der Zweit-Waffe
//"randomother" - Zufällige Zweit-Waffe aus dem anderen Team


Weiß aber nicht, ob das problemlos bei dem Modern Weapons MOD funktioniert...

Oder hab ich Dein Problem falsch verstanden?
Ich glaub schon. Hab damit auch schon probiert. Als Folge hatte das, dass man als Deutscher zb auf Carentan gar keine Knarre mehr hatte Augenzwinkern

Bei meinem Server ist das so, dass ich nur als Amerikaner die Modern Weapons hab. Wenn ich zb einstelle, dass man als deutscher ne Waffe vom andern Team als 2te Waffe auswählen kann dann hab ich ne WW2 und ne Modern.
Ich kenne den Modern Weapons MOD leider nicht... Probier doch mal aus, wie der MOD läuft, wenn Du den ohne große Einstellungen und ohne AWE laufen lässt - welche Waffen dann für welches Team bereitgestellt sind... Vielleicht gehört der MOD so oder es gibt doch eine kleine Unverträglichkeit mit dem AWE...
Glaube nicht, dass die sich nicht vertragen. Habe dies schon öfters im Netz zusammen gezockt. Mal sehen vielleicht frag ich mal so n Serveradmin von so nem Server mal nach der cfg!!
Es sind definitiv Server- und Clientseitig keine weiteren MODs installiert, auch im main- und im uo-Ordner nicht?

Hast Du die letzte aktuelle Version der Modern Weapons MOD (KLICK MICH)?

Auszug aus der ReadMe:


This mod gives UO some new modern weapons to each of the teams:

#The AK-47
#The M4a1 Carbine
#The SIG 552
#The M40-A3 Sniper Rifle
#The H&K UMP
#The MAC 11

The first 4 for selectable from the menus, while the H&K UMP and the MAC 11 are in place of the pistols.
So, effectively, a player could have up to 3 fo the weapons at any one time.


The cvars for the weapons are these:

set scr_allow_springfield "1" (enables/disables the M40-A3) (1 = an, 0 = aus)

set scr_allow_pistols "1" (enables/disables the H&K UMP and the MAC 11) (1 = an, 0 = aus)

set scr_allow_bar "1" (enables/disables the M4a1 Carbine) (1 = an, 0 = aus)

set scr_allow_enfield "1" (enables/disables the AK-47) (1 = an, 0 = aus)

set scr_allow_sten "1" (enables/disables the SIG 552) (1 = an, 0 = aus)
Serverseitig hab ich für jeden Mod n anderes COD verzeichnis mit eigener exe. Hab mal den AWE Mod rauskopiert aus dem Ordner von MW und AWE ist immernoch an. Das wundert mich ein wenig. Und die Waffen hab ich auch eingeschaltet. Leider ist das Problem, dass ich nur als Ami die Waffen nutzen kann. Geht das bei AWE irgendwie einzustellen, dass man egal in welchem Team man ist nur die Waffen der Amis wählen kann?? Und dass egal in welchem Team man ist, die Pistole von den Deutschen hat??
Weil dann wär das Problem ja schon gelöst smile
Moment, langsam...
Du hast einen Ordner namens MW - in dem liegen die AWE-Dateien und der Modern Weapons MOD... Du hast den AWE aus dem Ordner MW entfernt, den Server neu gestartet und der AWE ist trotzdem aktiv?

Dann stimmt was nicht, das darf nicht sein.

Was ich tun würde:
ALLE MODs, egal ob im main-, im uo- und in sonstigen Ordnern entfernen. NUR Den Modern Weapons MOD aktivieren. Mit einem SAUBEREN Client (also ebenfalls komplett ohne MODs) auf den Server und dann schauen, was passiert...


Was die CVARs angeht:

Alle Waffen bis auf diese deaktivieren:
set scr_allow_springfield "1" (enables/disables the M40-A3) (1 = an, 0 = aus)
set scr_allow_pistols "1" (enables/disables the H&K UMP and the MAC 11) (1 = an, 0 = aus)
set scr_allow_bar "1" (enables/disables the M4a1 Carbine) (1 = an, 0 = aus)
set scr_allow_enfield "1" (enables/disables the AK-47) (1 = an, 0 = aus)
set scr_allow_sten "1" (enables/disables the SIG 552) (1 = an, 0 = aus)


Nur die Pistole von den Deutschen zulassen geht mit dem AWE:

//Pistolen festlegen
//Mögliche Werte:
//"colt_mp" "luger_mp" "tt33_mp" "webley_mp"
set awe_pistol_type "luger_mp"
-> Sollte in Kombination mit dem Modern Weapons MOD dazu führen, daß nur die Waffen H&K UMP und/oder MAC 11 anstatt der Pistolen aktiv sind (weiß nicht, welche Waffe welche ersetzt).

Nur die Waffen der Amis freischalten geht mit dem AWE meines Wissens nach nicht.
habs zwar jetzt hinbekommen, dass der AWE aus is (lag wohl an meinem Client), aber ich kann als Deutscher leider nur die MAC benutzen. Als Deutscher kann ich keine Waffe wählen. Nur als Ami funzt das. Sehr komisch!!

Also wenn jemand ne cfg hat für AWE in Verbindung mit Moder Weapons bitte mir schicken Augenzwinkern
LOL hab grad ne Standard Cfg mit AWE dazugepackt und plötzlich gehts. Frag mich nicht wieso Augenzwinkern
Aber danke für eure mühe.

Nur ein Problem hab ich noch mit dem Server.
Beim Starten vom Server steht in der Console


PunkBuster Server: This edition of PunkBuster Server cannot be disabled while the game server is running.

Hab aber in der server.cfg ja drinstehn, dass pb ausgehn soll.



set sv_punkbuster "0"
PCs sind wie Frauen... Nicht hinterfragen, einfach hinnehmen... Augenzwinkern

Musst Du über den Start-Parameter regeln:

+set sv_punkbuster 0 +pb_sv_disable

Dann muss er auf jeden Fall aus sein.
Jo THX. Funzt jetzt alles so wies soll ;-)

Hab aber schon wieder n neues Problem ^^
Aber passt nicht zu dem Thema hier. Also -> HIER <-