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Zum Ende der Seite springen Worldspawnsettings für sky_pripyat
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 Worldspawnsettings für sky_pripyat jtms 08.12.2012 12:22
 RE: Worldspawnsettings für sky_pripyat bangingbernie 08.12.2012 16:20
 RE: Worldspawnsettings für sky_pripyat jtms 09.12.2012 12:38

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Dabei seit: 30.10.2012
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Worldspawnsettings für sky_pripyat Auf diesen Beitrag antworten Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden       Zum Anfang der Seite springen

Hallo Leute,

ich hab auf meiner map (Vorstellung mp_offshore) die sky-Texture "sky_pripyat" verwendet, allerdings find ich dazu im Internet keine passenden Worldspawn-settings. Jetzt will ich sie mir selber machen, allerdings hab ich keinen Peil wie das geht. Wenn irgendjemand das weiß, wäre ich dem sehr dankbar, wenn er mir hier die verwendbaren Variablen (z.B. "_color" und deren Bedeutung eklären könnte grosses Grinsen

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music - Music wav file. Can optionally specify intro & loop files to play ambienttrack - Ambient wav file.

gravity - 800 is default gravity

message - Text to print during connection process

ambient - Ambient light value (single scale, 1 = full bright, 2 = full overbright, must use '_color')

_color - Ambient light color (RGB triple, must be used with 'ambient')

sunColor - RGB values for direct sunlight color (color only, not brightness, 0-1 scale, works with 'sunlight')

sunLight - Intensity of the sun (1 = fullbright, 2 = full overbright for something facing directly at the sun, must use 'suncolor')

sunRadiosity - Intensity of the sun used for radiosity. If not set, 'sunLight' is used for radiosity too. Set higher than 'sunLight' to make sun radiosity stronger.

sunDiffuseColor - RGB values for diffuse sunlight color (color only, not brightness, 0-1 scale, works with 'diffusefraction')

diffuseFraction - fraction of sunlight intensity to come from the diffuse lighting (in range 0-1; eg, 0.5, works with 'sundiffusecolor')

sunDirection - pitch-yaw-roll for direction to sun (eg, sundirection -45 135 0). Pitch is usually 0 to -90 and yaw is any angle.

sunIsPrimaryLight - set to 0 to make the sun a secondary light. If absent or non-zero, the sun is a primary light.

radiosityScale - how much light bounces on each radiosity pass. 1 is the "physically correct" default. Smaller values reduce radiosity, larger values exaggerate it.

contrastGain - 0 to 1 scale for adding contrast to bumpmap lighting. 0 is no added contrast, 1 is maximum. Higher values may have artifacts.

northyaw - yaw angle that denotes the direction of north.

reflection_color_correction - name of the default color correction to use for reflection probe.

reflection_ignore_portals - if not 0 or blank ignore portals when finding closest reflection probe for static geometry.

coll_node_limit - if set to a non-zero value limit the number of children per node in the collision trees.

blocksize - if set to a non-zero use for the blocksize when compiling the map. Blocksize will cut the map geometry, increasing the total geometry and memory but it may help performance in some cases.

HIER findest Du auch alle worldspawn-settings der SP und MP-Maps; vielleicht ist da was passendes für Dich dabei.



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Danke Mann!
Übergeil grosses Grinsen
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