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Zum Ende der Seite springen Worldspawn-Einstellungen der MP-Maps
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Dabei seit: 21.01.2004
Beiträge: 12.269

Lampe Worldspawn-Einstellungen der MP-Maps Auf diesen Beitrag antworten Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden       Zum Anfang der Seite springen

Quelle: http://www.modsonline.com/


MP-Maps - Worldspawn-Einstellungen:


sky texture: sky_breakout
worldspawn settings:

"northyaw" "90"
"_color" "1 .95 .95"
"ambient" "0.05"
"sundiffusecolor" "0.80 0.82 0.85"
"diffusefraction" "0.31"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"sundirection" "-137.8 305 0"
"suncolor" "0.9 0.95 1"
"sunlight" "1.5"


sky texture: sky_silotown
worldspawn settings:
"spawnflags" "8"
"diffusefraction" "0.35"
"sundiffusecolor" "0.909804 0.952941 1.000000"
"_color" "0.470588 0.560784 0.627451"
"sunlight" ".8"
"sundirection" "-40 44 0"
"suncolor" "1.000000 1.000000 1"
"ambient" "0.00"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"northyaw" "90"


sky texture: sky_rhinecrossing
worldspawn settings:
"sundiffusecolor" ".85 .9 1"
"diffusefraction" ".3"
"ambient" ".02"
"sundirection" "-45 210 0"
"suncolor" "1 .95 .85"
"sunlight" "1.5"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"_color" "0.000000 0.501961 1.000000"


sky texture: sky_silotown
worldspawn settings:
"sundiffusecolor" ".85 .9 1"
"diffusefraction" ".56"
"ambient" ".0"
"sundirection" "-40 -138 0"
"suncolor" "1 .95 .85"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"_color" ".85 .9 1"
"sunlight" "1.8"

mp_dawnville (St Mere Eglise)

sky texture: sky_dawnville2
worldspawn settings:
"ambient" ".0"
"sundiffusecolor" ".85 .9 1"
"diffusefraction" ".6"
"sundirection" "-57 169 0"
"suncolor" ".9 .92 .85"
"sunlight" "1.2"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"_color" "0 0 0"
"northyaw" "90"


sky texture: sky_decoy
worldspawn settings:
"sundiffusecolor" "0.15 0.21 .6"
"diffusefraction" "0.4"
"sundirection" "-60 245 0"
"_color" "0 0 0"
"ambient" ".0"
"suncolor" ".5 .52 .55"
"sunlight" ".47"
"northyaw" "180"
"classname" "worldspawn"


sky texture: sky_cityhall
worldspawn settings:
"-contrastgain" ".4"
"_color" "1 .96 .98"
"ambient" ".0"
"sunlight" "1.15"
"sundirection" "-24 -127 0"
"sundiffusecolor" ".9 .9 .96"
"suncolor" "1 .96 .98"
"diffusefraction" ".40"
"classname" "worldspawn"


sky texture: sky_beltot
worldspawn settings:
"diffusefraction" ".4"
"_color" "0.890196 0.733333 0.407843"
"ambient" "0"
"sundiffusecolor" ".58 .59 .71"
"sundirection" "-19 -70 0"
"suncolor" ".94 .62 .5"
"sunlight" "1.3"
"classname" "worldspawn"


sky texture: sky_moscow
worldspawn settings:
"ambient" ".0"
"_color" "1 .96 .98"
"sunlight" "1.15"
"sundirection" "-70 35 0"
"sundiffusecolor" ".9 .9 .96"
"suncolor" "1 .96 .98"
"diffusefraction" ".52"
"classname" "worldspawn"


sky texture: sky_libyatown
worldspawn settings:
"model" "xmodel/dome_04"
"suncolor" "1.00 0.88 0.85"
"sundirection" "-20 315 0"
"sunlight" "1.45"
"sundiffusecolor" "1.00 0.86 0.89"
"_color" "1.00 0.781 0.275"
"diffusefraction" ".45"
"ambient" ".02"
"classname" "worldspawn"


sky texture: sky_trainyard
worldspawn settings:
"classname" "worldspawn"
"sundirection" "-40 225 0"
"suncolor" "100 100 105"
"sunlight" "1.3"
"sundiffusecolor" "100 100 100"
"diffusefraction" ".65"
"ambient" ".1"
"_color" "100 100 105"


sky texture: sky_toujane
worldspawn settings:
"diffusefraction" ".4"
"sundiffusecolor" "0.863 0.922 0.922"
"sundirection" "-45 135 0"
"suncolor" "0.98 0.882 0.745"
"sunlight" "1.3"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"ambient" ".02"
"_color" "0.813 0.804 0.706"

sky texture: test_sky
worldspawn settings:
"sundiffusecolor" ".85 .9 1"
"diffusefraction" ".3"
"ambient" ".02"
"sundirection" "-45 210 0"
"suncolor" "1 .95 .85"
"sunlight" "1.5"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"_color" ".85 .9 1"

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