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Zum Ende der Seite springen PAM 2.02 offiziell released!
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Dabei seit: 05.03.2006
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Hallo der Pam Mod 2.02 ist draussen

PAM 2.02
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Dabei seit: 22.04.2006
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Super, vielen Dank für den Hinweis smile
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Dabei seit: 21.01.2004
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Thx smile

"Fürs Internet sollte das Baumhaus-Prinzip gelten:
Wer zu alt ist, um ohne Hilfe reinzukommen, soll uns darin auch keine Vorschriften machen."

Diskutiere nie mit einem Idioten - zuerst zwingt er Dich auf sein Niveau herab und dann schlägt er Dich mit Erfahrung...
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Dabei seit: 05.03.2006
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Kein Problem nur ich habe dafür leider noch keine config gefunden

wenn einer weiss wo ich das her Bekomme schreib es mir bitte grosses Grinsen
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Dabei seit: 12.04.2006
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endlich mal was offizielles -.-

werde mich abends mal drüber machen, und die verschiedenen einstellungen für die esl (2on2sd, 3on3sd, usw) einstellen smile
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Dabei seit: 22.04.2006
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Original von Balu00
Kein Problem nur ich habe dafür leider noch keine config gefunden

wenn einer weiss wo ich das her Bekomme schreib es mir bitte grosses Grinsen

Public Config, oder was meinst du?

DVAR Liste gibts hier: http://www.wormsworld.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=159
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Dabei seit: 01.11.2005
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Hmm war mal auf diesem Wurmforum , aber da ist mal wieder alles englisch !

Mein problem :
habe die linux 1.2.c
habe die neue pam 2.02
es gab nur ne iwd aber keine cfg
also habe ich diese kopiert server gestartet - wollte rauf - die map lädt und wenn es los gehen soll - dann rauscht der Server ab !

Laut infobase habe ich gelesen das es mit der 1.2c kompatibel sein soll ....
auf der wurmseite fand ich was von 1.2

dann die frage der cfg ?
Ich habe den eigentlich mit einer pampublic gestartet ....

dann las ich eben was von dvars liste = ( cfg ? ) - die fand ich aber nicht !
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German Killa

Dabei seit: 09.04.2005
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den pam 2.02 in den main ordner des servers laden. in die server.cfg dann dies einfügen:

// *****************************************************
// ****************** Plugins **************************
// *****************************************************
set sv_pam "1"
set pam_mode "pub"

wobei pub kann man gegen esl,lgz und cb ändern sofern gewünscht.

haben die linux 1.2c am laufen und es funzt. fehlt nun noch das pb update wegen dem linux guid bug (31 anstatt 32 ziffern)

DDD Clan

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yoda yoda ist männlich
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Dabei seit: 21.01.2004
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Original von crossshooter
DVAR Liste gibts hier: http://www.wormsworld.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=159



Enables/Disables PAM2. Disabled PAM2 runs the stock scripts only. [1 = enabled. 0 = disabled]

This Dvar is used by server admins to select the competition rule-set to used. There are over 60 different pam_modes, please check with your ladder/league to se which one you should use.

Please note that you should verify with your League that the settings are correct for your League/Ladder. If they are not correct, please have an admin contact me with the problem settings.

Timelimits are NOT usable in PAM2 at this time. This is ALWAYS set to 0 in rule files. If it is needed I will look into making this work, but it was never needed in CoD or UO.

Sets the number of rounds to be played in the first half. Halftime and automatic teamswap will happen AFTER this round number has been completed. 0 = disabled.

Sets the scorelimit to be played to in the first half. Halftime and automatic teamswap will happen AFTER the one team reaches this score. 0 = disabled.

Sets the number of TOTAL rounds to be played before the map ENDS. It does not matter if a halftime is used. 0 = disabled.

This will allow you to trigger the end of a map/match by a team's TOTAL score, including the 1st half and 2nd half (is halftime is being used). 0 = disabled

This will allow you to trigger the end of a map/match by a team's 2nd Half Score ONLY (does not include 1st half scores). The map/match winner would still be determined by overall score of both halves though. 0 = disabled

Stock DVAR, length of each round.

In PAM2 this has dual puposes. If you are using Strat Time, this sets the length of that Strat Time. If you are not using Strat Time, this acts just as it does in the stock server. [Set in seconds.]

Strat Time is used to hold players still at the beginning of each round. Players also will not be able to throw any nades/smokes during this "strategizing" time period. [1 = use strat time. 0 = no strat time/stock.]

This dvar determines what happens if a round ends in a draw (which IS possible). With this you can force a round to be "replayed" by essentially playing the same round number over again, or you can have the draw round count as a normal round without a winner. [0 = Replay Draw Rounds. 1 = Allow Draw to stand]

CTF Specific
Sets the number of rounds to be played in the first half. Halftime and automatic teamswap will happen AFTER this round number has been completed. 0 = disabled.

This will allow you to trigger the end of a map/match by a team's TOTAL score, including the 1st half and 2nd half (is halftime is being used). 0 = disabled

This will allow you to trigger the end of a map/match by a team's 2nd Half Score ONLY (does not include 1st half scores). The map/match winner would still be determined by overall score of both halves though. 0 = disabled

This dvar determines if the timelimit is to be used as a halftime. If set to 1, the map will play until the timelimit has been reached, then do a halftime, swap teams, and play the second half with the same timelimit. If set to 0, the timelimit expiring will cause the map/match to be over without a halftime.

Sets the amount of time (in seconds) that a flag can sit on the ground before it automatically returns to its base. [-1 = never, 0 = immediately, 300 = max]

Sets the amount of time (in seconds) before a killed player can respawn.

This determines if a stolen flag's location will ever be shown on the compass. [0 = no (stock), 1 = yes]

If scr_ctf_show_compassflag is turned on, this dvar sets the graceperiod a player has (in seconds) before the flag will begin to show its current position on the compass. 0 = immediately.

If scr_ctf_show_compassflag is turned on, this dvar sets how often (in seconds) the position of a stolen flag is updated on the players' compasses. [Min = 1, Max = 60]

HQ Specific

scr_hq_gamestyle ["original"/"new"]
This dvar lets you select between the 1.2 patch or the original 1.0 style of CoD2 HQ gameplay. Original is the 1.0 style, anything else gives you the new 1.2 style.

scr_hq_RadioSpawnDelay [#seconds]
This dvar lets you specify the delay before the next radio spawns. It works with BOTH the new and original HQ gamestyles.

Sets the number of rounds to be played in the first half. Halftime and automatic teamswap will happen AFTER this round number has been completed. 0 = disabled.


This will allow you to trigger the end of a map/match by a team's TOTAL score, including the 1st half and 2nd half (is halftime is being used). 0 = disabled

This will allow you to trigger the end of a map/match by a team's 2nd Half Score ONLY (does not include 1st half scores). The map/match winner would still be determined by overall score of both halves though. 0 = disabled

This dvar determines if the timelimit is to be used as a halftime. If set to 1, the map will play until the timelimit has been reached, then do a halftime, swap teams, and play the second half with the same timelimit. If set to 0, the timelimit expiring will cause the map/match to be over without a halftime.

TDM Specific
Sets the number of rounds to be played in the first half. Halftime and automatic teamswap will happen AFTER this round number has been completed. 0 = disabled.

This will allow you to trigger the end of a map/match by a team's TOTAL score, including the 1st half and 2nd half (is halftime is being used). 0 = disabled

This will allow you to trigger the end of a map/match by a team's 2nd Half Score ONLY (does not include 1st half scores). The map/match winner would still be determined by overall score of both halves though. 0 = disabled

This dvar determines if the timelimit is to be used as a halftime. If set to 1, the map will play until the timelimit has been reached, then do a halftime, swap teams, and play the second half with the same timelimit. If set to 0, the timelimit expiring will cause the map/match to be over without a halftime.

When turned on, TKs or Suicides will count AGAINST the Team's overall score.

This dvar is used to tell the scripting if Ties are allowed in matches. If ties are NOT allowed, then there is a method to set up as many Overtime rules as is needed. If Ties are allowed, then the match will end in a tie. [1 = Ties not allowed, go to Overtime. 0 = Ties Allowed, no Overtime]

This dvar is used to determine the CURRENT active Overtime period (if there are Overtime periods in your match rules). This is MOSTLY used as an internal DVAR, but it can also be used by Server Admins to go directly into an Overtime period if needed. For example, to go to your match mode's FIRST OT Period, you would set this value to 1 and do a fast_restart. There can be almost a limitless number of OT rounds, but I have never seen more than 3 needed.

This DVAR can also be used to get you OUT of OT mode by setting it to 0.

Time it takes to plant the bomb [In seconds].

Time it takes to defuse the bomb [In seconds].

Time on the count-down clock for the 1st and 2nd halves to begin (after ready-up) [in seconds, max = 60]

Time on the count-down clock for the next round to begin [in seconds, max 60]

Shows a display at the bottom of the screen that shows how many players are alive on each team. [1 = on. 0 = off]

Determines if the skull icons are show when and where players die. [1 = icons on. 0 = icons off]

Determines if the A, B, and the Bomb-Planted Objective star are shown on the players HUD. This has NO EFFECT on the icons used on the player's compass. [1 = show objective icons. 0 = do not show objective icons]

Determins if players see the grenade warning icon when near a live grenade. [1 = nade icons on. 0 = nade icons off]

Determines if players gets the damage feedback HUD element and Sound that occurs when they hit another player with gunfire or nade. [1 = allow the hit blips. 0 = turn off the hit blips]

Determines if the STOCK scoreboard shows up on the player's screen. This is the one on the top left side of the screen. [1 = scoreboard on. 0 = scoreboard off]

scr_showscorelimit [0/1]
This dvar controls whether or not the Score Limit is displayed on-screen next to the Team scores. This is a feature the 1.2 patch added. If turned off, the / "slash" and scorelimit will not appear on-screen.

Determines where the Round Clock is positioned on the screen. This can be used to move it from its stock position to a position more in line with where it was in CoD1. [1 = CoD1 clock position. 0 = Stock clock position]

Determines if Players see the Mantle HUD hint when they are near an object they can mantle. [1 = allow the hint. 0 = do not allow the hint]

Determines if Players see the Stance HUD indicator. [1 = allow the stance indicator. 0 = do not allow the stance indicator]

This dvar determines if and how health Regen happens.
0 = No health regen at all.
1 = Stock health regen.
2 = Slow Regen
3 = Slow Regen with a Regen Limit based on Damage Taken
4 = Same as 3 except Pain Sounds continue permanently while you are below 45% health.

Sets the time after the last damage you recieved before Regen begins to happen. [Set in milliseconds. 5000 = 5 seconds]

Shows a HUD element on screen for the Health Bar. Very similar to the healthbar in CoD1. [1 = show healthbar, 0 = do not show healthbar]

If the healthbar is being shown, and the player's health is at 100%, this setting will allow the healthbar to fade off the screen until damage is taken again. [1 = do the fade. 0 = don't fade, always show the healthbar]

Determines if players who die drop a health pack. [1 = health pack dropped. 0 = no healthpack dropped]

Determines if Shellshock is applied to players when hit by explosives. [1 = allow shellshock. 0 = no shellshock]


These set the minimum and maximum heights for fall damage. [Set in feet]

Allows the league to force a client to use a specific rate. [1000 min. 25000 max.]

Forces several client DVAR settings that are known exploits back to stock, non-exploit values. [1 = force exploit DVARS to valid settings. 0 = do not force exploit DVARS]

This forces Client DVAR setting that allow the "red" crosshair when they pass over an enemy (even through smoke) to the off position. [1 = allow the "red" crosshairs. 0 = do not allow the "red" crosshairs]

This shortens the amount of time the Red Compass Dots appear on the Compass. It does NOT remove the Red Compass Dots. [1 = Shortened Fade Time, 0 = Stock Fade Time]

Determines if crosshairs are allowed in your match mode. Does not include the Turret Crosshairs. [1 = crosshairs allowed. 0 = crosshairs NOT allowed]

Determines if crosshairs are allowed on Turrets in your match mode. [1 = crosshairs allowed. 0 = crosshairs NOT allowed]

Determines if you can see Teammate's names when your crosshair passes over them. [1 = allow the names to show. 0 = do not allow the names to show.]


These determine the number of grenades each class of weapon is allowed to spawn with. [0 min, 3 max]


These determine the number of smoke grenades each class of weapon is allowed to spawn with. [0 min, 3 max]


These limit the number of the weapons EACH team is allowed to spawn with. [0 = no weapons of that class allowed, 99 = no limit on that class]

Determines if your match mode allows pistols to be used. [1 = allow pistols. 0 = do not allow pistols]

Determines if the Mountable MG positions are allowed to be used in your match type. [1 = Allow Turrets. 0 = Remove Turrets]

Determines if the players can drop their Secondary weapon by holding down the USE key for about 2 seconds. [1 = players can drop secondary weapons. 0 = players can NOT drop secondary weapons]

This DVAR is usefull for bolt-action Ladders/Leagues. It will FORCE the player to spawn with a bolt-action rifle regardless of what weapon the player chooses. This can be combined with scr_allow_pistols, scr_allow_turrets, and the stock dvar for allowing nades to make sure that ONLY bolt-action rifles are being used.
0 = Do not force bolt-action only.
1 = Force bolt-action only, Americans get the Enfield.
2 = Force bolt-action only, Americans get the Nagant.


These determine if the players drop each of the above items when they are killed if they are carrying them when they died. [1 = allow the weapon to drop. 0 = do not allow the weapon to drop]

This will turn on/off the ambient map sounds (such as distant gunfire and explosions). [ 0 = ambient sounds OFF]

This will turn on/off the ambient weather present on a map. This includes: battle-smoke, snow-drifts, dust-swells, and fog/dew patches). [ 0 = ambient weather effects OFF]

This will turn on/off ambient fire present on a map. This includes: fire, fire sounds, smoke from fire, smoldering holes in the ground, and smoldering vehicles\buildings. [ 0 = ambient fire effects OFF]



"Fürs Internet sollte das Baumhaus-Prinzip gelten:
Wer zu alt ist, um ohne Hilfe reinzukommen, soll uns darin auch keine Vorschriften machen."

Diskutiere nie mit einem Idioten - zuerst zwingt er Dich auf sein Niveau herab und dann schlägt er Dich mit Erfahrung...
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Dabei seit: 01.11.2005
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Danke habe den Fehler entdeckt - ich habe irrtümlich eine falsche cfg geladen - die zwar gleichen namen aber nicht alle inhalte hatte !
aber die dann getauscht und auch gleich den publicanhang mit rein gesetzt !

falls einige das noch nicht haben ? PAM 2 pub config

Dann noch einmal die linuxfile hochgeladen - aus vorsicht und dann gestartet !
Jetzt rennt er .... ( wie gut weiss ich leider noch nicht - den allein kann man schlecht bugs und lags suchen :-)

Danke aber für die schnellen Antworten
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